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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1833
Volume 492, Page 131   View pdf image (33K)
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MIL——to——MIL 13

Miller Jacob P. E Gran by st between Hartford
and Exeter
Miller A. J. portrait painter, cor Frederick and
Baltimore sts
Miller G. & H. grocers and sugar refiners, cor
fish market and Market space, dw E Bal-
timore st opposite Llovd
Miller Mrs Mary seamstress,Caroline near Wilk st
Miller Wm. P. grocery, NE cor E Baltimore and
Eden sts
Miller Thomas H. carpenter, Orleans st near
Eden st
Miller Jacob, second hand furniture store 42
Fleet st
Miller John D. deputy market master and crier
of circuit court, Paca st n of Franklin
Miller Jacob, Long alley
Miller Thomas,painter,Long al near Saratoga st
Miller John, victualler, w Pratt st near Eutaw
Miller Doctor Henry, Lombard st near Charles
Miller Charles, cooper, 22 Lexington st
Mnler Doctor James H. professor of theory and
practice of medic, in Washington med-
ical college, dw 63 Favette st w of Park
Miller mrs Ann, Calvert st near city spring
Miller Edward, bricklayer, Orange alley
Miller Thomas, carpenter, Orange alley
Miller Robert, dw Sharp st near St. Peter's church
Miller James, 60 Harrison st
Miller Wm. F. boarding house, 38 Harrison st
Miller Christopher, fringe and cord factory, 64 s
Charles st
Miller Jacob, shoemaker, Wilk st near High
Miller Alexander, dry goods merchant, cor Paca
and Mulberry sts
Miller Anthony, cooper, Long alley near Frank-
lin st
Miller Jacob, victualler, Long alley near Frank-
lin st
Miller Richard, bricklayer, Wagon alley
Miller James, cooper, Wagon alley
Miller Samuel L. brickmaker, 165 Hanover st
Miller, Edward academy w Baltimore st E of Cove
Miller Doctor H. 23 Lombard st

Miller J. sail maker, 18 Fleet st
Miller Jacob, Lancaster st near Market
Miller Henry, rigger, 42 Alice Anna st
Miller Joseph, seaman, 46 Fleet st
Miller Willliam, iron founder, dw 24 Albemarle st
shop E side Jone's falls
Miller Wm. F. dw Albemarle st
Miller William, tanner & currier, Front st 1st
house N of Gay
Miller John, shoemaker, 41 y High st
Miller mrs Ann, tailores, 80 N Exeter st
Miiler Enoch, house carpenter, Stiles st near
Miller John P. clerk in U. S. Bank, dw Pratt st
s side near Exeter
Miller miss Mary Ann, Lloyd st near E Pratt
Miller George. W innkeeper, sw cor Fish Market
space & Concord st
Miller George F. clerk, Maiden lane
Miller mrs Lloyd 42 Pitt st
Miller mrs Elizabeth, sw cor Potter & Low sts
Miller mrs Catherine, Pitt st near Exeter
Miller Samuel, hack driver, East st near French
Miller Robert laborer, Forest st near Douglass
Miller Benj. C. potter, Douglass st near Forest
Miller Richard, shoemaker, 4 Comet st
Miller Matthew,shoemaker, Bank lane near Belle
Air market
Miller David, house carpenter, Hull's lane
Miller mrs Amelia, mantua maker, Hull's lane
Miller James H. wheelwright x Gay st dw Mott St
Miller James M. tailor, N Gay st near Mott
Miller John, grocery & liquor store, 236 N Gay
vliller R. laborer, Lerew's alley
Miller mrs Mary, Ross st
Miller Jacob, sawyer, Pierce st
Miller Francis A. bricklayer, Mulberry st w of
Miller Andrew, shoemaker, Mulberry st w of Pine
Miller James, weaver, cor Cove & Sarah Ann sts
Miller Philip, potter, Saratoga st w of Pine
Miller Lewis, huckster, Saratoga st w of Pine
+Miller James, laborer, Saratoga st w of Green
+Miller Rachel. 43 w Saratoga st


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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1833
Volume 492, Page 131   View pdf image (33K)
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