Kennedy Thom, looking glass maker, Green st
betw Franklin & Mulberry
Kennedy John, machinest, Montgomery st near
Kennedy John, chair ornamenter, 24 Gay st. dw
N Caroline st
Kennedy Hugh, blacksmith, Stillhouse st near
Water st
Kennedy John, s Paca st n of Pratt
Kennedy Nicholas, tavern keeper, cor Lexington
st and Market alley
Kennedy Thomas, importer of dry goods, 171
Baltimore st. dw Franklin near Pine st
Kennedy Mordecui, blacksmith, cor of Calvert
and Centre sts
Kennedy mrs Ann, N Calvert st near Bath
Kennedy John P. attorney at law, office Athenae-
um, dw 62 N Charles st
Kennedy Pendleton B. office Fayette st w of St.
Paul's st
Kennedy & Duvall, house and sign painters, cor
Charles and Baltimore sts
Kennedy John, bookseller, in arcade, 46 E Wa-
ter St
Kenney Martin, drayman, cor Madison stand Sa-
ratoga St
Kenney Richard, tavern keeper, cor Concord st
and Fish Market space
Kenney Patrick, second hand clothing store, 40
Second st
Kenney Thomas, carpenter, N Howard st between
Madison and Centre
Kenney S. attorney at law, nw Fayette and St.
Paul's sts
Kenney Peter, flour and feed store, NE cor Ensor
and East sts
Kennols John, stage driver, Ensor st
Kensley A. merch. tailor, 27 E Baltim. st
Kensley Barney, glass blower at glass house
Kent Emanuel, register of the city, office city hall
Holiday ST. dw Biddle st N Penn avenue
+Kent Wm. laborer, Hill st
Kepler John, dw cor Paca and Lexington sts
+Kepler Jane, pedlar, 13 Lombard st
Keplinger Michael, brickmaker, Ensor st
Keplinger Samuel, silver smith, Park st N of Sa-
ratoga st
Keplinger Samuel, rivited hose and wire fender
manufact. 1 Grundy's row near Biddle st
Keplinger Geo. rivited hose and wire lender
manufacturer, Howard st extruded
Keplinger Win. watch maker, 100 n Eutaw st
Kernan Charles, justice of the peace, Hanover st
nearly opposite the market, dw 45 N How-
ard St
Kernan & Stillinger, commission merchants, 59
Smith's wharf, dxv James Kernan, 51 Al-
bermarle st
Kernan Frederick, tobacconist, Front st near Bal-
timre st
Kernan Leonard, currier, Water st
Kerney rev. Nicholas, cor Market and Bank sts
Kerr Archibald, merchant, 47 Thames st
Kerr Patrick, house and sign painter, 35 w Fay-
ette st
Kerr Joseph, turner and spinning wheel maker,
48 Harrison st
Kerr Edward, house carpenter, Pierce st
+Kerr David, laborer, s Eutavv st
+Kerr Ellen, Montgomery st
Ken ens Charles, laborer, Carpenter's alley
Kersey Wm. halter, 75 Harrison st
Keller mrs Rachel, grocer, 8 Second st
Kettlewell John, merch. 256 N Gay st
Kettren Adam, butcher, Beuren st near Liberty
Key Gabriel, painter, 115s Howard st
++Key James, sawyer, Caroline near Wilk st
+Keyer Daniel, hair dresser, Montgomery st
Keys John, ca ter, Light st extended
Keys John, keeper of magazine, Henrietta st near
s Charles
Keys James, grocer, Franklin st w of Howard,
dw 118 N Eutaw st
Keys John, Exeter st near Pitt
+Keys Mary Ann, Douglass st
+Keys Danl, laborer, Strawberry al near Bond st
+Keys John, laborer, Guilford al
Keyser James, clerk, Pearl st near Fayette