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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1842
Volume 490, Page 497   View pdf image (33K)
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To take Acknowledgments of Deeds, Instruments under Seal, and Depositions.
Connecticut. Joseph B. Varnum, Fayette st opposite City Hotel.
Rhode Island. Joseph B. Varnum, Fayette street, opposite City Hotel.
Delaware. Robert A. Dobbin, 2 South Gay street.
Florida. James B. Latimer, S. W. corner Fayette tnd Si. Paul's streets.
Georgia. David Stewart, 20 St. Paul's street.
Massachusetts. Joseph B. Varnum, Fayette street, opposite City Hotel.
New Hampshire. Charles Gilman, 25 West Fayette street.
New Jersey. Joseph B. Varnum, Fayette St opposite City Hotel.
New York. James B. Latimer, S. W. corner Fayette and St. Paul's streets.
" S. Teackle Wallis, Fayette, W. of St. Paul street
Pennsylvania. Solomon Etting, 278 Baltimore street.
" H. P. Hepburn, Fayette, between Charles and St. Paul's streets,
North Carolina. Joseph B. Varnum, Fayette street, opposite City Hotel.
South Carolina. Joseph B. Varnum, Fayette street, opposite City Hotel.
Great Britain, J. Mactavish, Second street.
France, George C. Morton, No. 36 S. Gay street.
Spain and Sardinia, J. Pizcarro, corner of Eutaw and Saratoga streets.
Portugal, J. L. M. Smith, 21 South street.
Netherlands, F. B. Graf, 38 S. Gay street.
The Pope, T. J. Bizouard, Pine street.
Wurtemburg, C. Meyer, office, Exchange.
Denmark, H. G. Jacobsen, 45 S. Gay street.
Sweden and Norway, F. B- Graf, No. 38 S. Gay afreet.
Prussia and Saxony, F. L. Brauns, of Brauns & Focke, 190 1-2 Baltimore street, .
Venezuela, J. F. Strohm, 45 S. Gay street.
Hamburg, F.Rodewald, of Rodewald & Didier, 16 German street.
Bremen, A. Schumacher, of A. Schumacher & Co. N. E. cor. Charles & Wine sts,
Melico, Wm. H. Tiernan,
Brazil and Two Sicilies, G H. Newman, Exchange Place.
Montevideo, F. B. Graf, 38 S. Gay street.
Texas, Henry H. Williams, Commerce street.
Agent for the Underwriters at Lloyd's, ————, vacant.
Agent for the Underwriters at Bremen, F. W. Brune & Son, 51 S. Gay street.
Republic Ecuador, James J. Fisher, 7 Spear'i wharf.
Belgium, Samuel D. Walker, 40 S. Gay street.
From Baltimore to Sea, Two Dollars and Fifty Cents for each
foot of water the Vessel shall draw.
from Sea to Baltimore, Three Dollars and Fifty Cents for each
foot of water the Vessel shall draw.
from Sea to the District of Columbia, in Maryland, or from
thence to Sea, add one-fifth to the above rates. And on Ves-
sels not owned by Citizens of the United States, add one-
third to the above rates, except when otherwise regulated by
from Sea to New Point Comfort, one-fourth up.
from Sea to Mouth of Potomac, one-half up.
Sea to Annapolis, three-fourths up.
from Baltimore to Annapolis, one-third down.
Henry Stump, Richard Frisby, Edward Palmer.
A, Benson Coe, Clerk to the Board.


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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1842
Volume 490, Page 497   View pdf image (33K)
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