A donation of fifty dollars constitutes the donor a life mem-
ber of the corporation; an annual subscription of five' dollars
confers membership during its continuance.
The officers at present are—Richard Lemmon, Pres't.; Geo.
W. Norris, Vice Pres't.; Wm. H. Beatty, Treasurer; Thomas
E. Bond, Secretary
Literary and Scientific Institutions.
(Connected with the University of Maryland,) is situated in
a high and airy part of the city, on Mulberry street, west of
Charles street. It is under the supervision and instruction of the
Faculty of arts and sciences of the Univ. Md. consisting of the
following named gentlemen: Charles Hanson, A. M., Rev. J. G.
Morris, D. D., John Prentiss, A. M., Horace Morrison, A. M.,
Edw. Hinckley, A.M., Rev. G. W. Burnap, A. M., and A. B.
Cleveland, A. M. who is Secretary to the Board of Regents.
Faculty of Theology.—Rev. W. E. Wyatt, D.D., Rev. John
Backus, Rev. Jas. Hamner, Rev. Henrv Mason, D. D., Rev. G.
C. M. Roberts, Rev. Stephen P. Hill & Rev. Benj. Kurtz, D. D.
Faculty of Law.— David Hoffman, L. L. D , Jonathan Mere-
dith, Esq., H. D. Evans, Esq., C. F. Mayer, Esq., G. W. Dob-
bin, Esq. (Dean), Wm. W. Hail, Esq. and one vacancy.
This College was incorporated in 1806. The buildings are ex-
ensive and commodious, and contain a library of more than
12,000 volumes, and a very superior chemical apparatus. Con-
nected with the Institution is a very splendid Botanical garden
and Green house.
Rev. G. Raymond, D. D. President, Prof. Moral Philosophy;
[Rv. E. A. Knight, Vice Pres't. Prof, of Rhetoric; Rev. J. Ran-
lamme, Prof. Litin Literature; Rev. J. F. Hickey; Rev. H.
Griffin; Patrick Kelly, Prof. Music; Rev. Alexius Elder, treasu-
rer; Don. J. A. Pizarro, Prof. Spanish.
Situated on Pennsylvania avenue, near Franklin and Greene
its. The Seminary is under the charge of the Holy Order of
the Sulpitians.
Very Rev. L. R. Deluol, D. D. Superior; Rev. J. H. Joubert,
Professor of French; Rev. P. Fredet, D. D. Professor of Theo-
ogy and History; Rev. A. Verot, Prof. Mathematics and Che-
mistry; Rev. F. L'Homme, Prof. Greek. There are nearly 20