Sanders ——— St Mary st w of Ross
Sanders John, labourer, Conway st w of Charles
Sanders Wm. shoemaker, Forest st s of Madison
Sanders Lemuel, labourer, Conway st w of Charles
Sanderson Thomas, labourer, Pierce st e of Cove
Sandy Thomas, huckster, Hull lane w of Aisquith st
Sanger Isaac, Jasper st s of Ross
Santer Charles, caulker, wside Spring st s of Baltimore
Sauser John, caulker, Eden st n of Wilk
Savoy Samuel, cor Run alley and Fayette st
Savoy Basil, brickmaker, L Montgomery st e of Sharp
Savoy Eliza. Jew alley near Marion st
Schriver John, Franklin st w of Pearl
Scorgins George, waiter, Bath st e of Calvert
Scott Horace, porter, Fayette st betw Pearl st and Run alley
Scott Harriet, washer, e side Potter st n of Hillen
Scott -——— washer, Biddle alley near Ross st
Scott Jane, midwife, Scott st s of Columbia
Scott Robt. ropemaker, Bounty lane e of Spring st
Scott Robert, labourer, Biddle alley near Ross st
Scott Isaac, barber, Camden st w of Eutavv
Scott John, furniture carman, Pierce st e of Pine
Scott Wm, sawyer, Elbow lane w of Warner st
Scott George, labourer, Davis st n of Pleasant
Scott Henry, porter, Elbow lane w of L Greene st
Scott Samuel, labourer, Davis st n of Pleasant
Scott Margaret, Welcome alley e of Howard st
Scott Horace, waiter, Short st s of Jefferson
Scott Margaret, washer, Guilfbrd alley e of Charles St
Scott Rezin, porter, Short st n of Orleans
Scott George, rope maker, Cross st w of William
Scott Sophia, washer, w side Front st n of Hillen
Scott Stephen, labourer, Howard st s of Barre
Scott Lewis, plaisterer, Jasper st s of Ross
Scott George, e side Happy alley s of Fleet st
Scott Elizabeth, washer cor Monument and Sterling sts
Scott James, labourer, Forest st s of Madison
Scott Jane, seamstress, alley running from East st s of Douglas
Scotten Moses, whitewashes Chestnut alley e of Pine st
Seaforth Ann, w side Arch alley, Potter st s of Douglass
Sears Wm. labourer, e side Forest st s of Orleans
Sedgwick Kesiah, washer, Moore's alley w of Eutaw st
Sedgwick Philip, Sugar alley e of Charles st
Sedgwick Tilghman, labourer, alley n of Pierce st e of Cove
Sedgwick Mary, Perry st w of Howard
Seeney James ship carpenter, e side Happy alley n of Fleet st
Segan Nancy, huckster, 56 n Gay st
Selman Peter, rigger, Park st n of Pleasant
Selvey Joshua, sawyer, Guilford alley e of Charles St
Sephus Joseph, labourer, Short st n of Orleans
Sewell Jane, washer, Chapel alley near Mulberry st