Robinson M. A. washer, Lewis st n of Orleans
Robinson Joseph, labourer, Short st n of Orleans
Robinson David sawyer, Spring st n of Baltimore
Robinson Willie, Jasper st near Eutaw church
Robinson Mary, washer, Hull lane e of Forest st
Robinson Lucy, East st n of Pitt
Robinson Peter, drayman, Perry st e of Eutaw
Robinson Ellen, West st vv of Charles
Robinson John, labourer, Hanover st n cf Montgomery .
Robinson James, labourer, Strawberry alley s of Bank st
Robinson Anthony, labourer, Strawberry alley s of Bank st
Robinson Charles, hackman, Strawberry alley s of Bank st
Robinson George, labourer, w side Spring st s of Gough
Robinson Louisa, washer, alley e side Charles st s of Camden
Rock Wm. barber, 60 South st
Rock Henry, barber, North st s of Lexington
Rock Catherine, e side Front st n of Pitt
Rodley Stephen, labourer, Guilford alley w of Light st
Rogers Benjamin, porter, Raborg st e of Pine
Rogers Wm. Sharp st s of Lexington
Rogers Henry, labourer, Sugar alley w of Light st
Rogers Darius, labourer, Lombard st w of Market
Rogers Robert, labourer, Sugar alley w of Light st
Roles Levin, brickmaker, Bounty lane e of Spring st
Rollins Jacob, drayman, Lerew's alley s of Richmond st
Rollins George, labourer, Granby st near e Falls avenue
Rolls Henry, hackman, w side Argyle alley s of Wilk st
Rolls Isaac, hackman, 72 Argyle alley n of Fleet st
Rosalee Arisabef, Union st near Ross
Rosier John, labourer, Conway st w of Howard
Ross Wm. Jew alley near Lexington st
Ross Robert, huckster, President st s of Stiles
Ross Louisa, alley vv side Potter st s of Douglass
Ross Lloyd, drayman, Pratt st w of Eutaw
Ross Daniel, grain measurer, L Montgomery st w of Hanover
Rozier John, labourer, vv side Light st n of Cross
Rucklin James, blacksmith, Jasper st near Ross
Rushton Aaron, brewer, Bank lane near Aisquith st
Russell Rev. demons, Kimmel alley H of Lexington st
Russell B. 16 Lombard st
SADLER Emory, w sine Jasper st s of Ross
Sagaser George, turner, Low st. dw w side Potter s of Low
Sales Aaron, drayman, Monument st w of Eden
Sales Benjamin, drayman, Sterling st n of Monument
Sales Henry, labourer, Madison st w of Sterling
Sales Nicholas, drayman, Potter st n of Douglass
Salter Charles, caulker, Hampstead st w of Caroline
Sampson James, Jasper st s of New
Samson Henry, stevadore, Elbow lane e of Warner st
Samuel Wm. waiter, 7 Salisbury alley e of Exeter st