Fowler Mary, milkwoman, Johnson st opp West
Fowler Leonard, brickmaker, do do do
Fowler Henson, seaman, 100 Dugan's wharf
Francis Thomas, Raborg st e of Poppleton
Francis John,.mariner, Fleet st e of Caroline
Francis Ann, Union st near Ross
Francis Macelin, Union st near Ross
Francis Anna, washer, Low st near Aisquith
Francis Rose, nurse, w side Potter st 2 doors s of Douglass
Francis John, boarding house, Fleet st w of Bond
Franklin Peter, labourer, Montgomery st w of Charles
Franklin Henry, labourer, Block st w of Wills
Frazier John, mattress maker, Biddle al near Ross st
Frazier Tench, labourer, w side Spring st n of Gough
Freeman Wm. Bank lane near Aisquith st
Freeman Henry, shoemaker, s w cor Forest and Douglass sts
Freeman Deborah, Wolf alley s of Perry st
Freeman Catharine, washer, Perry st w of Howard
Freeman Rebecca, washer, Sugar alley e of Charles st
Frenig Francis, huckster, Pierce st w of Pearl
Frisby Perry, Jasper st s of Ross
Frisby Perry, porter, L Hughes st e of Charles
Frisby Jacob, sawyer, Hull lane e of Forest st
Frisby Aby Ann, cor Sterling and Monument sts
Frisby Nathan, labourer, East st n of Douglass
Fulgum Charity, washer, Monument st e of Eutaw
Fuller Chase, labourer, Hill st e of Sharp
Fuller Benj. labourer, cor Granby st and e Falls avenue
GAFFORD Perry, gardener, Union st near Ross
Gaines Wm. porter, Pierce st w of Pearl
Gaines Stewart, labourer, Conway st e of Hanover
Gaines Moses, sailor, Johnson st s of Cross
Gaiter Rachel, w side Strawberry alley n of Gough st
Gale Robert, whitewasher, Sarah Ann st e of Cove
Gale John, eating house, 7 Caroline st
Gale Betsy, washer, Conway st e of Hanover
Gale Charles, York st e of Sharp
Gallman James, East st n of Douglass
Gameby John, labourer, 25 Caroline st
Gannon ——— Howard st s of Barre
Gardner Wm. waiter, Black alley, w of Union st s of Ross
Garner Michael, labourer, Clay st w of Park
Garner Michael, labourer, Conway st e of Hanover
Garrett Solomon, sawyer, Lerew's alley n of Franklin st
Garrett Thomas, sawyer, Madison st w of Sterling
Garrett Richard, waterman, Asbury lane near Pratt st
Garrett Anne, Washer, Asbury Jane near Hollins st
Garrett John, carter, Carpenter's alley w of Eutaw st
Garrett Wm. labourer, Salisbury st e of Canal
Garrett James, labourer, Strawberry alley s of Fleet st