FARRELL Ann, washer, Low st e of Forest
Farrell James, labourer, Howard st s of Conway
Felix Augustus, s side Low st e of Forest
Feraro Matilda, washer, Sterling st n of Monument
Feraro Jacob, labourer, Necessity al w of Putter st
Ferguson Robert, labourer, Montgomery st w of Charles
Ferguson Charlotte, washer, w side Potter st s of Douglass
Ferguson Robert, labourer, Comb alley n of Hill st
Ferguson Betsy, washer, Painter's court, w of Exeter st s of Pitt
Fernandas John, barber, 5 Bond st. dw 46 Bond st
Field Hannah, Biddle al near Ross st
Field Jane, alley running from East st s of Douglass
Fisher Edward, L Sharp st n of Lexington
Fisher B. E. labourer, Chestnut al e of Pine st
Fisher John H. whip sawyer, n end Happy alley
Flamer John, labourer, Lerew's al s of Centre st
Flamer Sophia, washer, e side Canal st n of Pitt
Fiamer Wm. labourer, L Hughes st e of Sharp
Fleetwood Benjamin, bay trader, Mulberry st e of Park
Fleetwood Treasy, washer, Arcade al w of Eutaw st
Flint Charles, w side East st n of Douglass
Flowers Mrs. Strawberry al w side n of Wilk
Floyd Philip, sawyer, Union st near Ross
Folkes Thomas, bootmaker, Chatsworth st n of Franklin
Folkes Henry, shoemaker, e side State st s of Mulberry
Folkes Henry, shoemaker, e side Eutaw st 1 door n of Mulb'y.
Foote Ann, washer, e side Forest st s of Hull's lane
Ford Benjamin, waiter, n side Lombard st e of Charles
Ford G. Washington, stone cutter, Fayette st betw Pearl st and
Run alley
Ford Ann, washer, Hamilton st w of St Paul
Ford Richard, hackman, Chatsworth st n of Franklin
Ford Sampson, ostler, Lerew's al s of Franklin st
Ford Henry, baker, Canal st n of Jefferson
Ford A. Jasper st s of Ross
Ford John, musician, Spring st e of Wilk
Ford Caroline, Star al n of Fleet st
Foreman Wm. labourer, Mullikin st e of Long lane
Foreman Eliza, laundress, Salisbury st e of Canal
Forman Peter, woodsawyer, s side French st e of Bath
Forsyth J. C. teacher, Holliday st s of Bath
Fortie George, cordwainer, Pierce st w of Pearl
Fortie Jacob, Park st n of Clay
Fortie Henry P. drayman, e side East st n of Douglass
Fortie John, teacher, cor East and Douglass sts
Fortie John C. Holliday st near Bath, dvv East st n of Douglass
Fortune Hagar, shop keeper, Calvert st 2 doors n of Saratoga
Foster James, steamboat hand, Stump al s of Conway st
Fountain ————, labourer, Bank lane near Aisquith st
Fowler Benjamin, drayman, Hull's lane w of Aisquith st