Butler ——— Caroline st s of Jefferson
Butler Elizabeth, washer, cor Bond and Hampstead sts
Butler Anna, gardener, Bank lane near Aisquith
Butler Julia, huckster, w of Cove st near Spring gardens
Butler Henry, labourer, Columbia st w of Scott
Butler Nancy, washer, Welcome alley w of Sharp st
Butler Daniel, cook, Hill st e of Sharp
Butler H. D. Montgomery st e of Hanover
Butler Samuel, labourer, Hog alley w of Caroline st
Butler Charity, washer, s side Carpenter's alley betw Howard
and Eutaw sts
Butler Clem, waiter, Dover st w of Howard
CAGER John, sawyer, Holland st e of Eden
Cager James, carter, Wolf st n of Gough
Cain James, whitewasher, Sugar alley e of Charles st
Caldwell Hezekiah C. barber, n side Gay st near the clock
Caldwell Peggy, cook, Potter st n of Douglass
Caldwell Joseph, carter, w Cove st extended
Caldwell Jerry, York st w of Hanover
Caldwell Jerry, labourer, Leadenhail st
Caldwell Ennalls, carter, w side Apple alley s of Wilk st
Calhoun Peter, labourer, Run alley n of Fayette st
Callandar Elisha, labourer, Cove st n of German
Calwell Wm. hackman, e side Gay st s of Aisquith
Campbell Isaac, Jew alley near Lexington st
Campbell Alexander, Jew ailey near Lexington st
Campbell Edward, labourer, Mulberry st e of Lerew's alley
Campbell Mrs. washer, Biddle alley near Ross st
Campbell Susan, Con way st w of Charles
Campbell Harriet, washer, West st w of Charles
Camper Dennis, barber, 17 Light st wharf, dw Williamson alley
Camper Andrew, carter, West st w of Charles
Camper Ann, w side Caroline st s of Pratt
Camper Charles, stevadore, Salisbury st e of Lloyd
Campher Stephen, labourer, East st n of Douglass
Campher Henry, carter. West st w of Charles
Canvass Elizabeth, washer, s side Falls st e of Liberty alley
Carey Richard, labourer, Perry st e ofEutaw
Carey Alfred, Douglass st e of Forest
Carey Geo. labourer, Bounty lane e of Spring st
Carey George, labourer, Cross st e of William
Carmack J. C. coachman, East st n of Douglass
Carmack Lewis, drayman, Mullikin st n of Fairmount
Carmichael Hester, cook, Lewis st n of Mullikin
Carr Wm. labourer, Dover st w of Eutaw
Carr John, brickmaker, Burgundy alley e of Cove st
Carr James, labourer, Dover st w ofEutaw
Carr Purnell, w side Argyle alley n of Alice Anna st
Carroll Eliza, washer, Sarah Anne of Cove st
Carroll Wm. Park st s of Ctay