University of Maryland, Medical department, at the University
buildings, cor Greene and Lombard sts.—Collegiate dep
Mulberry st opp Cathedral—see appendix
Upperman J. C. shoemaker. Dewberry alley near Baltimore st
Upperrnan Jeremiah, shoemaker, Dewberry al near Baltimore st
Usher misses A. E & M. C. dress makers & milliners, 72 Saratoga
Utermohle Adolp ms, barber, Pratt st opp President
Utermohle Auguste, tailor, Pratt st e of President
VAGASSER Mrs. Elizabeth, Union near Ross st
Valentine John, hack proprietor, Clay st w of Liberty
Valiant James B. grocer, w side Gay st e of Canal
Valiant John, bootmaker, Wilk st e of High
Valiant James H. clerk, Fawn st w of Exeter
Taliant George, n e cor Howard st and Gilingham al
Vallmar Frederick, tailor, William st n of Giddings's row
Valona copper works, Wm. & H. McKim proprietors, Smith
wharf, Alex. Coates manager, dw Maiden lane
Van Brunt & Adams, beef and bacon store, Lexington st e of
Van Buren, Margaret, Slemmer al s of Pratt st [Green
Vance Isaac, 33 Camden st
Vandaniker Joseph, labourer, Moore's al near Ross st
Vandervort Robert B. Park st s of Franklin
Vanfossen David, shoemaker, Welcome al w of Hanover st
Vanhorn James, plaisterer, Aisquith st n of McElderry
Vaniiil Stephen J. shoe store, Pratt st w of Eutaw
Van Ness W. J. grocer, 48 C. Market space
Vansant Joshua, hat and cap manuf. s w cor South and Balti
more sts dw Front st e side s of Pitt
Vansant Joshua, watchman, Montgomery st e of Charles
Van Winkle Samuel, painter, Coptank st s of Hampstead
Varden Rev Jonah, Aisquith st n of Hull's lane
Varley Robert, gold beater, n side French st nearly opp Potte
Varney Mitchell, baker, Block st w of Wills
Varnon Alexander, tinner, Hollins st e of Poppleton
Varnum Joseph B. atty. at law, Fayette st opp City Hotel, dw
at Mrs Kraft's Lexington st
Vaughan Henrv J. pilot, e side Ann st n of Alice Anna
Vaughn Mrs. fancy store, Louisiana st e of Greene
Veazey Misses, 35 n Howard st cor Marion
Veazey Joseph E. Canton, eastern city bounds
Veazey George C. inspector of customs, dw Stiles st e of Hig
Verlander mrs Julia Ann, seamstress, Orleans st e of Lewis
Vermillion Eliza, s side Sterling st e of Mott
Vernetson Wm. clothing store, 36 Second st
Vernon James, carpenter, cor Boyd and Amity sts
Vetter George, basket maker, 12 Mulberry court, e of Rock
s of Saratoga
Vicary Henry, plaisterer and slater, at Wm. Rundell's, Aisquith
st near Thompson, and at Arthur Robinson's, Howard
near Richmond