Twinham George, blacksmith, 9 Mercer st
Twist Sergeant S. U. S. rendezvous, 58 Light st
Tydings Lewis, butcher, Orleans st e of Strawberry alley
Tye Hammond, grocer, cor Charles st and Williamson alley
Tyler Zebedee W. horse shoer, North st betw Pleasant and Bath,
dw w side Potter st n of Lee
Tyler G. K. druggist, dw n e cor High and Baltimore sts
Tyler George, ship carpenter, Canton on city line
Tyler Daniel M. sea captain, e side High st s of Pitt
Tyler J. & E. dry goods store, 54 w Pratt st
Tyler J. dw L Greenest n of Burgundy alley
Tyler Mary, Wilk st e of Exeter
Type Foundrv, Baltimore, F. Lucas, jr. agent, Bank lane e of
St Paul st
Tyson Jonathan, n side Fayette st w of Pearl
Tyson Wm. firm Fowler & Tyson, 7 Pascault's row, Lex'n st
Tyson Isaac, chrome factory, w end Lancaster st w of Caroline,
dw Harford avenue
Tyson Mary A. & Sisters, seminary for young ladies, 7 Pascault's
row, w Lexington st
Tyson Wm. dw Lexington st e of Pine
Tyson Eliza, Bank st e of Market
Tyson John S. attorney at law, North st n of Post office
Tyson Charles, clerk, Pearl st n of Mulberry
Tyson Geo. firm Tyson & Brothers, aw High st n of Trinity
Tyson Jonathan, 63 s Sharp st
Tyson Isaac, jr. stove dealer, n side Lombard st e of Hanover
UBERT John, shoe store, Pratt st e of the falls
Uhl Francis, tobacconist, cor Hawk st and Cen. market space
Uhler Philip, Madison st w of Eutaw
Uhler Geo. W. firm J. Harvey & Co. Camden st w of Hanover
Uhler Martin, labourer, Lancaster st w of Bond
Uhlhorn A. A. blacksmith, Saratoga st w of Park
Uhrig John, tavern, Bond st n of Thames
Ulhorn mrs J. w side Sharp st 2 doors n of Con way
Ulrich Geo. stocking weaver, President st s of Pratt
Ulrick Wm. carpet weaver, 35 s Liberty st
Umberger John, oyster cellar, s e cor Gay and Front sts
Umbrich Gabriel, Baltimore st e of Wandsbeck
Umstadter Jacob, clothing store, 27 Lombard st e of Frederick
Underhill Israel, saddler, Eutaw st s of Dover
Underwood Joshua, carter, Pratt st w of Caroline
Underwood Albert, labourer, Lombard st w of Market
Undutch Frederick, carter, w side Light st s of West
Union Engine House, Hanover st in Hanover market house
Union Bank of Maryland, cor Charles and Fayette sts
Union Hotel, A. Keenan, proprietor, 39 South
Union Manufacturer's warehouse, 9 s Charles st
United Engine House, Howard st at junction of Liberty