Shipley Wm. clerk, German st opp Pine
Shipley Benj. M. carpenter, Pratt st w of Greene, dw Paca
Shipley Daniel E. mt tailor, 5 s Sharp st near Baltimore, dw cor
Columbia and Greene
Shipley Hammond, blacksmith, Leadenhall st
Shirk Henry &, Co. bacon and provision store, Franklin st w of
Shirk Henry, dw 192 n Howard st
Shlessinger mrs N. 17 1/2 Harrison st
Shoalz Andrew, baker, Shakspeare st betw Market and Bond
Shock George, carpenter, cor Caroline and Pitt sts
Shock mrs Harriet, Eutaw st n of Con way
Shockney Saml. keeper Globe Tavern, Fish market space
Shoemaker Charles, teacher, Pine st s of Franklin
Shoemaker George, brickmaker, cor York and Sharp sts
Shoemaker Wm. S. bridge builder, 4 Shakspeare st
Shoemaker Geo. R. mariner, Gough st w of Bond
Shoemaker John, carpenter, Gough st e of Eden
Shol Sylvester, e side Beuren st 4 doors s of Madison
Sholes Thomas C. upholsterer and Venetian blind maker, 56
Baltimore st
Short Hudson, rigger, Lancaster st e of Caroline
Shortel Edwd. grocery and feed store, York av n of Madison st
Shorlt Philip, tailor, Fawn st e of High
Shot Tower, Baltimore, Gay st near Saratoga
Shot Tower, Phoenix, s e cor Front and Pitt sts
Shot Tower, Eutaw, cor Con way and Eutaw sts
Shotton John, butcher, Liberty alley near French st
Shotts Daniel, grocer, Eden st n of Baltimore
Shotts Jacob, carpenter, Fleet st e of Caroline
Showacre John, inspector of customs, dw Paca st w of Warner
Shraden & Sidz, stone cutters, Eutaw st n of Carpenter's alley
Shraden Henry, dw Paca st n of Pratt
Shrader Prudence, tailoress, w side Ensor st n of Madison
Shraur Christian, labourer, Lancaster st e of Market
Shreck mrs Catharine, cor Aisquith and Thomsen sts
Shreck Elizabeth, e side Happy alley n of Bank st
Shreck G. & J. comb and variety store, 1 e Baltimore st
Shreck Geo. W. of firm, dw Aisquith st s of Thomsen
Shreck Jacob, of firm, dw Aisquith st s of Thomsen
Shreiber Rev. Peter, at Rev. J. B. Gildea's, w side Front st
door n of Catholic church
Shreves Joshua B. shoemakers, s side Sterling st w of Monument
Shrigley Rev. J. pastor of Universalist church, dw w side Front
st n of Pitt
Shriver capt John, Albemarle st s of Wilk
Shriver Chas. labourer, 75 McElderry's wharf
Shroeder Margaret, 26 Albemarle st
Shrote John, baker, Conway st w of L Greene
Shryack mrs Sarah, Pitt st e of Aisquith