Sheppard capt Philip, mariner, McElderry's wharf, rear of Stuart
& Sons' paint store
Sheppard B. P. carpenter, Montgomery st w of William
Sheppard Moses, cor Pratt and Sharp sts
Sheppard Thos. agent Norfolk Steamboat Co. Charles st n of Lee
Sherbaugh Henry, shoemaker, Eden st s of Bank
Sherbortt George, fisher, Cross st e of Johnson
Sheridan Luther, blacksmith, Lombard st w of Schroeder
Sherley Wm. book keeper, Lombard st e of Exeter
Sherlock Wm. stables, Davis st near Pleasant
Sherlock John, 161 Holliday st
Sherman Lewis, grocer, Harford avenue s of Aisquith st
Sherry James, fancy store, cor Holland and Canal sts
Sherry Charles, fisher, s Eutaw st extended
Sherwood & Co. job and book printers, cor Balt and Gay sts
Sherwood Wm. shoemaker, Union st near Ross
Sherwood Asbury, harness maker, Holland st w of Eden
Sherwood Philip, blacksmith, Fleet st. e of Market
Sherwood Philip, sen. shipwright, cor Fleet stand Argyle alley
Sherwood Richard, fancy store, e Baltimore st near High
Sherwood Richard P. Camden st hotel, 14 Camden st
Shield John, huckster, e side Light, st s of Armistead lane
Shields Richard D. grocer, Louisiana st e of Greene
Shields Mrs. Holliday st s of Centre
Shields George, tailor, Chatsworth st s of Franklin
Shields John, whip and cane maker, cor Park and Marion sts
Shields Barney, labourer, Buren st n of Monument
Shields Eliza B. mantua maker, Eden st s of Bank
Shields mrs Harriet, Vine st
Shillingburg Dominick, butcher, Columbia st e of Cove
Shillinger Geo. baker, L Hampstead st e of Eden
Shillingsbury Isaac, butcher, Columbia st w of Cove
Shillinshangir Matthias, rear of 2d German Lutheran church,
Holliday st
Shinbarrier Fredk. Penn av near Hoffman st
Shingle Fredk. cor Saratoga and Schroeder sts
Shingle Peter, Vork st w of Charles
Shingle Peter, Charles st s of Hill
Shingle Philip, baker, Charles st s of Hill
Shinnick John D. polter, Bank st e of Eden
Shinnick Jacob, ship joiner, e side Argyle al n of Lancaster st
Shinningham Peter, rigger, 23 Shakspeare st
Shiple ———— turner, cor Eutnw and Lombard st
Shipley Chas. firm Shipley &, Lester, carpenters, dw 32 Greene
st adjoining Public school
Shipley Zachariah, weaver, Sarah Ann st w of Cove
Shipley Wm. jr. Biddle st w of Penn avenue
Shipley Zachariah, carpenter, Cove st s of Sarah Ann
Shipley L. G. carpenter, Jasper st. dw Paca near Saratoga,
Shipley Geo. W. engineer, Lombard st e of Schroeder
Shipley Joshua, milkman, cor Scott and St Peter sts