Schumacher A. consul for Bremen, Exchange hotel
Schumacher Henry, turner, cor Richmond and Cathedral sts
Schumacher Reinhardt, 108 s Howard st
Schumacher mrs Rachel, boarding house, 25 Camden st
Schumann Henry, ship carpenter, Hamburg st Federal Hill
Schunk Ellen,v boarding house, s side French st e of Bath
Schunk Joseph, carpenter, Ensor st s of Madison
Schupp Henry, cabinet maker, n Gay st near Harrison
Schut Christian, butcher, Penn av n of Greenwillow st
Schutz John, shoemaker, cor Howard and Barre sts
Schwalbe F. W. firm Dahle & Sehwalbe, dw 72 C. Market ap
Schwanzer John, cooper, Guilfbrd al w of Light st
Schwartz Fredk. tinner, High st w side n of Pratt
Schvvartz Henry, tavern, w side Patterson st near Pratt
Schwartze Laurence, printer, Fredk. road e of toll gate
Schwartze Dr Gustavus, 172 Hanover st
Sehwartze Harman, watchmaker, Mulberry st e of Eutaw—rear
Schwartze & Rogers, confectioners & fruiterers, 189 1/2 Balt. st
Schwartze Julius, firm ditto, dw Park st betw Fayette & Lex-
ington sts
Schwartze Edward D. n w cor Hanover and Conway sts
Schwarzauer Df w side Light st 7 doors n of Hughes
Schwatka Augustus, blacksmith, Jasper st s of Saratoga
Schwatka Charles A. constable, Jasper st rear Lexington
Schweitzer Joseph, plasterer, Saratoga st e of Howard
Schwerer Geo. Philip, coachmaker, w side Exeter st n of Gay
Schwitzhaupt Conrad, tailor, Hampstead st w of Caroline
Scinsnor Catharine, Bank st w of Wolfe
Scirkel John, labourer, 27 Shakspeare st
Sclicker John, gardner, s side Low st w of Exeter
Scoby mrs Ann, dw 82 Camden st
Scott Abraham, carpenter, Saratoga st e of watch house
Scott Townsend, stock and gen. commis. agent, cor North and
Fayette sts. dw Front st w side s of Pitt
Scott John, atty. and counseller at law, 8 St Paul st
Scott T. Parkin, 15 St Paul st
Scott John, clothing store, 91 n Howard st
Scott Patrick, carpenter, Franklin st w of Chatsworth
Scott John, grocer, Franklin st w of Howard
Scott Wm. car conductor, Biddle st near Richmond
Scott John H. do do do
Scott John, carpenter, cor Falls road and Tyson st. dw Rich-
mond st e of Lerew's alley
Scott John, carpenter, Tyson al near Cathedral st
Scott James W. apothecary and druggist, 150 Baltimore st. dw
Thames st
Scott James, shoemaker, Orleans st w of Caroline
Scott mrs Catharine, tailoress, L McElderry st e of Aisquith
Scott Samuel W. grocer, cor Eden and Monument sts
Scott Robert, tailor, Madison st e of Aisquith
Scott James, Pitt st w of Canal.