O'DO 297 OLI
O'Donald James, firm Power & O'Donald, George st e of Pine
O'Donnell Columbus, Charles st 3 doors n of Mulberry
O'Donnell Patrick, Franklin st w of Lerew's alley
O'Donnell James, labourer, e side Exeter st s of Hillen
O'Donnell Mary, w side Frederick st 1 door s of Lombard
O'Donnell John, confectioner, w side Charles st opp depot
O'Donovan John H., M. D s w cor Franklin and Park sts
O'Donovan Jeremiah, grocer, Preston st near Ross
O'Dougherty Daniel, tavern, 40 Second st e of Frederick
O'Doy James, labourer, s of Wilk st near Pres't. on city prop.
Oehrl John L. baker, cor Baltimore and Canal sts
Oelricks E. G. & Lurman, importers, 31 s Charles st
Oelncks Henry, dw 73 Liberty st
Oeiwine Frederick, silver plater, Baltimore st near Sharp, dw do.
w of Pearl
Oesterly John, baker, Harford av cor Madison st
Oesterly Andrew, w side Greene st 2 doors n of Raborg
O'Farrell Charles, grocer, 71 Pratt st
Offner Christina, huckster, w side High st n of Pitt
Ogelvy James, baker, Lombard st e of High
Ogier John, gardener, e Monument st ext. opp ropewalk
Ogier Nicholas, Belle Air road, n of Monument st extended
Ogle Joseph, bricklayer, Saratoga st w of Poppleton
Ogle Eliza, e side Bond st n of Wilk
Ogle Mary, seamstress, rear of Constitution st s of Monument
Ogle Elizabeth, seamstress, Mott st n of Gay
Ogle Wm. Eutaw st s of Carpenter's alley
Ogre Eliza, w side East st s of Douglass
O'Harra & Bro. paper warehouse, 13 Harrison st
O'Harra John, Harford avenue near ropewalk
O'Harra James, blacksmith, Concord st n of Pratt, dw opposite
O'Harra Charles, shoemaker, n side Lombard st w of Concord
Ohrenshall C. shoemaker, 19 e Water st
O'Keefe Ann, grocer, cor Lancaster st and Apple alley
O'Laughlin John, shoemaker, n side Gay st w of Exeter
O'Laughlin, Michael, painter, e side High st s of French
Oldfield G. S. com. mt. n side Lombard st betw Light & Charles
dw Monument e of Charles
Oldfield G. S. jr. com mt. do. do. dw Mount Vernon place
Oldham Wm. M. cooper, Greene st betw German st and Cider
alley, dw Cove st s of Baltimore
Oldham James, moulder, cor York st and X alley
O'Leary Edward, wood corder, Bank st e of Market
Oler W. H. morocco store, 4 Cheapside
Olierich Joshua, labourer, Lancaster st e of Bond
Olive capt Thomas, w side Bond st n of Gough
Oliver Hibernian School, North st betw Lexington & Saratoga
Wm. Gibson, teacher, Potter st betw Hillen and Gay
Oliver Thomas, new and 2d hand furniture store, 91 n Howard
Oliver Wm. domestic manufacturer, Preston st near Penn av
Oliver mrs M. A. Preston st near Penn avenue