NUG 296 O'DE
Nugent Wm. grocer and produce mt. Franklin st e of Greene,
dw George st near Penn avenue
Nugent Jane, George st w of Penn avenue
Nugent Wm. Franklin st. dw George st w of Penn avenue
Nulton mrs Maria, Lloyd st n of Lombard
Nulty mrs Maria, Lloyd st n of Lombard
Numsen Frederick, cooper, Monument st near Gay
Numsen Wm. baker, 113 Pratt st w of Eulaw
Nunez Aaron, shoemaker, Howard st n of Hill
Nunnery of Sisters of Providence, mother Theresa, superior,
Richmond st opp Park
Nurser mrs Elizabeth, Fayette st betw Howard and Eutaw
Nusbaum Hineman, pedlar, Fleet st cor Argyle alley
OAKLEY capt Joseph, Gough st e of Eden
Oakiey Thomas, w side Apple alley s of Fleet st
Oakley mrs Julia Ann, tailoress, Orleans st e of Eden
Oashterty Andrew, w side Greene st n of Raborg
Obenheimer Hartz, pedlar, 27 Fleet st
Ober G. & Co. wholesale and retail druggists, 3 n Charles st
Ober G. dw Pratt st near Exeter
Ober Jacob, tailor, Thames st w of Bond
O'Bourke Farrell, grocery and feed store, Forest st s of Orleans
O'Brian Jeremiah, grocer, s side Gay st w of Front
O'Brian John, pedlar, High st n of Granby
O'Brien Bridget, Wilk st e of Wolfe
O'Brien Dennis, Baltimore st e of Wandsbeck
O'Brien mrs Isabella A. cor East st and Maiden lane
O'Brien mrs Mary, hoarding house, Lombard st e of Cove
O'Brien Matthew, clerk, Lee st w of Hanover
O'Bryon Solomon, clerk, 10 Light st wharf, dw George st
door e of Pine
O'Bryon Michael, tailor, Wayne st e of Howard
O'Callahan Cal. tavern, s e cor Frederick and Lombard sts
Ockenbaugh mrs Julia, teacher, Pine st s of George
O'Connell Wm. plaisterer, cor St Paul st and Bank lane
O'Connell Patrick, grocer, cor Cove and German sts
O'Conner Daniel, huckster, Eastst n of Douglass
O'Conner Patrick B. slater, w side High st s of French
O'Connor Eugene, justice of peace, n e cor Gay and Lombard
sts. dw Wilk VT of Canal
O'Connor Patrick, grocer, cor Lancaster st and Argyle alley
O'Connor James & Co. forwarding line to Pittsburg, North st n
of Sara toga
O'Connor John, labourer, Orleans st e of Friendship
O'Connor Hugh, cor Eutaw and Lombard sts
O'Connor Patrick, porter, w side Light st n of Henrietta
O'Day James, labourer, s of Wilk st near President, on city prop-
Odd Fellows' Hall, n Gay st—see appendix
Odemon Harman, mariner, Bank st e of Market
O'Dell James H. brassfounder, Frederick st between Second and
Lombard, dw Harford av n of Madison st