Lockwood Edward, n side Lombard st w of Concord
Loelckes John, tavern, Bond st s of Shakspeare
Loelkos John, tavern, cor Thames and Market sts
Loffing Lewis, 5 Shakspeare st
Logan Joseph, cooper, Lerew's alley n of Franklin st. dw Frank-
lin near Lerew's alley
Logan Alexander, cooper, Franklin st w of Chatsworth
Logan mrs Mary, Pierce st w of Chatsworth
Logan Wm. shoemaker, Pierce si w of Chatsworth
Logan Samuel L. baker, State st n of Mulberry
Logemann Henry, prop. Rail Road Hotel, Light st near Pratt
Logie miss Priscilla, milliner, s e cor Liberty and Lexington sts
Logue Michael, shoemaker, s side Ensor st w of Forest
Logue Dennis J. tinner, Baldepston st w of Light
Logue James, dry goods dealer, 9 Baltimore st
Lohmuller & Bro. stove factors & blacksmith, Bond n of Thames
Lohrman Henry, shoemaker, e side Light st s of York
Lomax James, grocer, Pine st s of Vine
Lombard Mary E. dress maker, Penn av near St Mary's st
Loney Wm. dry goods merchant, cor Gay and High sts. dw n
Calvert near Centre
Loney Martha, seamstress, East st s of Douglass
Loney Chas. butcher, row s w of Cove st head of Paca
Long Richard D. carpenter, dw 42 n Gay st
Long John D. carpenter, Fleet st w of Wolfe
Long Robt. Carey architect, Fayette st betw Park and Howard
Lung Saml. ship carpenter, w side Ann st n of Fleet
Long Levi, boot & shoemaker, Calvert st under Barnum's hotel
Long Wm. shoe store, 5 Market st
Long Ellis B. firm Pendleton, Long & Riely, dw at mrs Pendle-
ton's, cor Eutaw and Baltimore sts
Long Michael, labourer, Strawberry alley s of Fleet st
Long Chas. shoemaker, Baltimore st e of Republican
Long Isaac H. mt. dw 282 Baltimore st
Long Geo. B. superintendent chimneys, Harf av s of Neighbour
Long Henry, carpet weaver, e side Front st n of Baltimore
Long mrs Mary, e side Gay st n of Potter
Long Sarah, grocer, s side Ensor st e of town clock
Long Conrad, shoemaker, East st s of Douglass
Long Henry, printer, e side East st n of Pitt
Long Samuel, shoemaker, 37 South st
Long George, wagoner, Schroeder st s of Hollins
Longley Saml. clerk, Franklin st w of Pearl
Longwell mrs Elizabeth, Black alley, w of Union st s of Ross
Lops Ann, Thames st e of Bond
Lorentz John G. saddler, Baltimore st w of Cove
Lorkin Wm. grocer, 39 Market sp. dw High st opp Salisbury
Lorman Wm. & Son, mts. n e cor Charles and Lexington sts
Lorman Alex. of firm, dw s e cor Charles and Lexington sts
Lorman John, drayman, cor Alice Anna and Lexingion sts
Lorman Joseph, drayman, Block st vv of Wills