Littig Luther, grocer, cor Gay and Highsts. dw Exeter opo M-
E. church
Littig Fredk. S. treas. F. P. Sav. Inst, dw Gough st wof Caroline
Littig Philip, jr. cashier Marine Bank, dw Gough w of Caroline
Littig C. B. com nit. e side Commerce st s of Lombard, dw Pratt
w of Caroline
Littig mrs R. w side Eutaw st n of Madison
Littig mrs Peter. Forney alley
Littig Patrick, carter, Perry st w of Eutaw
Littig Joseph, blacksmith, Burgundy alley w of L Greene st
Littig Ann T. boarding house, 29 Thames st
Littig Thomas, book binder, w side Caroline st s of Pratt
Little Wm. engineer, w side Exeter st n of Fawn
Little Richard, weaver, Saratoga st w of Schroeder
Little Robert, grocer, s side Pratt st e of Commerce
Little Charles, butcher, Baltimore st e of Gilmer
Littlefield mrs Susanna, Howard st n of Franklin
Litton Thomas, sailmaker, 135 Bond st
Litzmyer Joseph, stone mason, Howard st opp Richmond mkt.
Livermore & Cushing, domestic com mts. 8 Hanover st
Livingston Jas. G. shoemaker, Forest st near market
Livingston Seth, shoemaker, York st w of Charles
Livingston Peter, shoemaker, Burgundy alley e of Warner st
Livingston Lorenzo, shoemaker, Conway st w of L Greene
Livingston mrs Ann, cor Eutaw st and Carpenter's alley
Livingston James, shoemaker, Lee st e of Charles
Lloyd John J. attorney at law, n side Fayette st w of Calvert
Lloyd Jenkins, engineer and machinist, e Falls avenue s of Pratt
st. dw Wilk st w of President
Lloyd Wilson L. Lexington st betw Pine and Cove
Lloyd Thos. prop. Western Hotel, s w cor Howard and Sara-
toga sts. dw Saratoga 3 doors w of Howard
Lloyd Mary, Biddle st near Ross
Lloyd Richard, grocer, n e cor Sterling and Mott sts
Lloyd Wm. joiner, Wilk st w of Ann
Loane Edmund, boot and shoemaker, 64 w Lexington st
Loane Joseph & Son, sail makers, over 67 Smith's wnarf
Loane Joseph, dw cor Pratt and Gough sts
Loane Jabez, of firm, dw Exeter st 2d door s of Lombard
Loane John, hair manufacturer, n side Gay st e of Mott
Loane Sarah, Forest st s of Orleans
Lobdale Margaret, grocer, cor Bank and Canal sts
Lobrare Nicholas, engineer, Armistead lane e of Light st
Lochbehler A. grocer, w side Penn avenue n of Pearl st
Lock Henry N. turner, cor Perry and Charles sts
Lock Thos. O. upholsterer, Leadenhall st
Locke Loa, millwright, York st w of Light
Locke Thomas M. com mt. 12 Light st wharf, dvv Eutaw st
Lockerd John, flour, feed and lime store, Pratt st w of Paca
Lockington Joshua, grocer, 20 Cheapside, dw 26 n Exeter st
Lockwood Crandell E. shoemaker, German st e of Pine