LAN 242- LAT
Lane Wm. shoemaker, Penn av near Hoffman st
Lane John, ropemaker, w side Light st s of West
Lane Eliza, seamstress, n side Thompson st e of Friendship
Lane capt Thomas A. harbour master, over 13 Bowly's wharf
dw Pitt st w of Aisquith
Lane Peter, cooper, Armistead lane w of William st
Lane Joseph, spar maker, Philpot st w of Wills
Lane Elizabeth, e side Argyle al n of Lancaster st
Lang Mrs Ann, Perry st betw Sharp and Howard
Lange J. H. basket maker, Saratoga st 2 doors from Gay
Lange August, saddler, Franklin st e of Paca
Langley Edward, cabinet maker, Orleans st e of Lewis
Langley Owen, brickmaker, Eutaw st n of Ostend
Langlove Thomas J. carter, West st w of Light
Langrall Asa, e side Gay st s of Aisquith
Langstedt Dr Herman H. Shakspeare st e of Bond
Langwall John, Baltimore st w of Poppleton
Langwall John, alley s of Baltimore st w from Poppleton
Lanius Jacob, painter, New st e of Jasper
Lankey James, cabinet maker, Eden st n of Orleans
Lankford David, Holliday st s of Saratoga st
Lankford Ed. proprietor Pennsylvania House, 126 n Howard st
Lankford Mrs. milliner, 51 1/2 Baltimore st
Lankford Wiley, over 51 1/2 Baltimore st
Lankford William, rigger, w side Ann st n of Lancaster
Lankford William, ship joiner, 96 Bond st
Lanman Mary, e side Exeter st n of Pitt
Lannon John, carpenter, Cove st n of Sarah Ann
Lansdale Mrs. boarding house, s e cor Eutaw and Baltimore s
Lantinsliger A. box maker, n side French st nearly opp Potter
Lant Michael, painter, Columbia st e of Cove
Lantz J. P. carpet weaver, Lewis st n of Holland
Lantze Catharine, Granby st e of Exeter
Lap George, 66 n Frederick st
Laport Arnold, saddler, Baltimore st w of Cove
Laprane Mrs. Aisquith st n of Douglass
La Reintree J. L. Fayette st opposite Duncan's church
Larder Charles, shoemaker, Aisquith st n of Douglass
Laritz J. cabinet maker, s side Lombard st e of C Market
Larkin A. labourer, York av n of Madison st
Larkin Hugh, brass founder, President st s of Fawn
Larkins Matilda, dress maker, e side Potter st n of Pitt
Laroque Ed. surgeon dentist, nw cor Charles & Lexington
Laroque John M. chemist and druggist, n e cor Harrison st
Baltimore sts
Larrabee Ephraim, shoe finding store, and Laboratory of Thos
sonian medicines, 20 & 34 Calvert st—see advertisement
page 21—dw Carpenter's al e of Green st
Larrabee Daniel, 20 s Calvert st
Larrabee Edward, last maker, 34 s Calvert st
Lathe E. grocer, s w cor Light and West sts