Lakenan mrs Martha, Canal st s of Monument
LaMaitre Benjamin, rigger, Shakspeare st e of Bond
Lamar Wilhelm, carpet weaver, L Hampstead st opp Spring
Lamb John, Holliday st s of Centre
Lamb Robert, Cathedral st extended
Lamb Joseph, do do
Lamb mrs A. C. gentlemen's furnishing store, n e cor Front and
Baltimore sts. dw Lexington opp Court house
Lamb Michael, plaister paris inspector, Paca st w of L Greene
Lamb James, coach maker, Paca st s of Baltimore
Lamb John W. Falls avenue s of Lombard st
Lambdin mrs Ann, Gough st vv of Wolfe
Lambdin Wm. S. ship carpenter, Wolf st s of Wilk
Lambdin Thomas, w Falls avenue n of Pratt st
Lambdin Mrs. vv side Eutaw st 3d door n of Franklin
Lambert J. R. lottery office, 2 1/2 n Gay st
Lambert ———— Forest st s of Madison
Lambert capt Robert, Wilk st w of Ann
Lambert Joseph, sexton St Patrick's ch. dw Bank e of Market
Lambie mrs Mary, seamstress, L Hampstead si e of Eden
Lambrecht Henry, w side High st n of Pitt
Lamden Daniel, shipwright, Fountain st e of Washington
Lamden Thos. keeper Eastern Fountain, dw 14 Ann st
Lamdin Edward S. sailmaker, 5 Dugan's wharf, dw Caroline
st n of Gough
LaMee John Baptise H. shoemaker, Thames st w of Wolfe
Lamon Robt. labourer, Fleet st e of Ann
Lamphear John, labourer, w side Patterson st near Pratt
Lamping Wm. com mt.7 Light st wf. dw Con way e of L Greene
Lampley Oliver, cooper, s side Livery alley near Front st
Lampley James, segar maker, President st s of Fawn
Lampley John, private watchman, President st s of Fawn
Lanahan & Brinkley, confectioners, 10 w Pratt st
Lanahan Mrs. Harrison st n of Etna lane
Lanahan Wm. fruit dealer, 165 Baltimore st
Lanahan John, ship joiner, Slemmer alley s of Stiles st
Lancaster Wm. carpenter, Orleans st e of Aisquith
Lancaster John D. cabinet maker, Alley from Front st to the
falls, s of Low st
Lancaster John M. P. w side Penn avenue s of Biddle st
Lancaster Jesse, blacksmith, n side Water st e of Light
Lancaster George, carter, York st e of Charles
Lancaster Thomas B. carpenter, Gough st e of Eden
Lanckoe John C. painter and glazier, Louisiana st e of Greene
Landeman capt James, e side Ann st s of Wilk
Landin Elizabeth, seamstress, e side Light st n of Montgomery
Landis capt David C. Pratt st e of Gough
Landstreet John & Son, grocers and com. mts. s e cor Howard
and German sts- dw John Landstreet, Lexington st betw
Pine and Cove
Landstreet Samuel, firm ditto, dw Fayette st w of Pine