Koch John, cor Sterling and Monument sts
Kochling Dr. Anthony, w side Bond st s of Fleet
Koebler Catharine, washer, French st nearly opp East
Koehler George, dry goods and variety store, s e cor Baltimore
and Greene sts
Kohan Jeremiah, Holliday st s of Centre
Kohler mrs Eliza, huckster, York st e of Hanover
Kolb Geo. tailor, Lexingtori st cor Elm (or Market alley)
Kolb George, confectioner, and variety store, 90 n Howard st
Kolb Michael, tailor, cor Sarah Ann and Pine sts
Kolb Frederick, sausage and pudding maker, Harford avenue E
of Madison st
Kolblo Henry, labourer, e side Light st s of West
Kolblo T. labourer, e side Light st s of West
Kollenberg Henry, cordwainer, Lancaster st w of Ann
Kolmus Levi, pedlar, e side Mott st n of Gay
Kone Daniel, grocery, n side Gay st w of Aisquith
Konig E. silversmith, cor Harrison and Gay sts. dw opposite
Konig F. & Co. fancy store, 4 n Howard st
Konig Elizabeth, 93 s Howard st
Konze Lewis, shoemaker, 86 w Pratt st. dw Light s of Hamb'g
Koockogey mrs Elizabeth, umbrella maker, Fayette w of How'd
Kopp John, grocer, Hughes st e of William
Korner John, cordwainer, Wilk st w of Caroline
Kornmann P. shoemaker, s side German st w of Liberty
Koster Albert, Charles st n of Henrietta
Kothe George, baker, Hollins st e of Amity
Kraber Daniel, book keeper, Pearl st n of Mulberry
Krafft Mrs. boarding house, Lexington st w of St Paul
Kraft Henry, grocer, s e cor Lexington and Sharp sts
Kraft Peter, house carpenter, cor Ross st and Biddle alley
Kraft Frederick, victualler, cor Ross st and Biddle alley
Kraft Jacob, victualler, Cathedral st extended
Kraft Peter, labourer, Pearl st n of Pierce
Kraft Philip, tailor, Stiles st w of President
Krager Francis A. bricklayer, Franklin st e of Chatsworth
Krager Wm. carpenter, Pierce st e of Chatsworth
Krager Joseph F. dairyman, Pierce st e of Chatsworth
Kramer & Shane, apothecaries, 46 Light st wharf
Kramer George, bricklayer, Peach alley w of Pearl st
Kramer John C. shoemaker, York st w of Light
Kramer Samuel, druggist and apothecary, n e cor South and
Baltimore sts. dw 122 Sharp st cor Welcome alley
Kran Francis, labourer, Lancaster st e of Apple alley
Krantz Gotlieb, teacher, Paca st e of Warner
Kranz Dr. Auguste, Lancaster st w of Ann
Kraus Philip, fancy store, 40 n Howard at
Krauss John, shoemaker, Hamburg et e of Charles
Kreamer——— constable, dw 58 n Frederick st
Kreamer Bemar, tailor, Eden st s of Guugh
Krebbs George, Pine st s of Saratoga