Klug Jacob, shoemaker, Conway st w of Howard
Kiump M. shoemaker, w side Light st n of Henrietta
Klumper Ferdinand, tavern, 69 McElderry's wharf
Klunk capt John, carpenter, Penn av. dw George st w of Penn av
Klutz Adam, glove factory, 84 w Pratt st
Knabe Wm. piano forte maker, 45 n Liberty st
Knabel Henry, distiller, Pratt st e of Centre market spaced
Knapp John, butcher, German st e of Pine
Knauf Wm. cabinet maker, Marion st e of Eutaw
Knecht Elizabeth, Liberty alley n of Monument st
Kneeland Hannah, boarding house, 2 Tripolett's alley
Kness Charles, tavern, Stiles st w of President
Kness Wm. weaver, w side Bond st s of Fleet
Knickman John, blacksmith, Howard st n of Barre
Knight Wm. currier, 64 n Frederick st
Knight Anthony, fisherman, Gidding's row, e of Light s of West
Knight Isaac, George st e of Pine
Knight Sarah, 77 Bond st
Knight John, cooper, Balderston st. dw Cove n of Fayette
Knight Peter, ship carpenter, 39 Bond st
Knight Michael, blacksmith, Baltimore st w of Amity
Knight Mrs. s side Fish market space, at bridge
Knight & Colburn, booksellers, 174 Baltimore st
Knight Nathaniel, of firm, dw Paca st 5 doors s of Mulberry
Knight Mary, washer, w side Light st s of West
Knight Clara, huckster, n side Fish market e of market space
Knight Thomas, lumber merchant, Aisquith st n of Low
Knight Jacob, shoemaker, Harford avenue near ropewalk
Knight mrs Ann, milliner, 40 n Eutaw st
Knight mrs Margaret, dress maker, w side Greene st n of Sar.
Knight John, skin dresser, e side Potter st n of Hiilen
Knight Ormond, blacksmith, Frederick road w of toll gate
Knight Michael, blacksmith, Hollins st e of Schroeder
Knight Joseph, stovemaker, York st e of Hanover
Knighton Thos. firm Bosley & Knighton, dw 119 Aisquith st
Knipe Jacob, silver plater, n Frederick st near Etna lane, dw
Centre st betw St Paul and Calvert
Knipp Jacob, labourer, cor Sharp and Hill sts
Knoblock C. grocer, n side Ensor st e of East
Knorr Marcus M. ropemaker, Bond st s of Baltimore
Knott Francis, carpenter, Saratoga st e of Schroeder
Knott Adam, labourer, Abraham st near Madison
Knott James, painter, York avenue n of Madison st
Knott Jane, seamstress, w side Exeter st s of Low
Knott Edward, n side Lombard st w of Albemarle
Knotts George P. paper hanger and bookseller, Market st 2d
door n of Thames
Knowles John, carpenter, e side Lloyd st s of Salisbury
Knox Wm. cotton and woollen man. Saratoga st w of Cove
Kober Gotlieb, "Md. Iron factory," Light st n of West
Koburn Daniel, hackman, 98 Bond st