Jackson Samuel A. cabinet maker, Charles st n oi'Hill
Jackson major Wm. Thames st w of Bond
Jacob Geo. gold and silver sm. and watchmaker, 58 n Howard st
Jacob John, tailor, s side Lombard st e of Frederick
Jacob John F. brickmaker, s of West st w of Johnsoa :
Jacobi Jacob, labourer, 10 Thames st
Jacobs mrs Mary, Monument st betw Constitution and Forest
Jacobs Samuel, clock dealer, w of Front st n of Gay
Jacobs Robert, 83 n Paca st
Jacobs Richd. watchman, Giddings's row e of Light st s of Wes
Jacobs & Baitzel, carpenters, e side Howard st 4 doors R of Dover
Jacobs Zachariah, of firm, dw Conway st
Jacobsen Henry G. Danish Consul, office 45 s Gay st. dw e side
Sharp 1 door n of Camden
Jacoby Isaac, second hand dealer, cor Lombard and Charles sts
Jacot A. watchmaker, 11 i South st—see adverisement page 18
Jagels John, grocer, Eden st n of Baltimore
Jail Baltimore City and County, e side Jones's Falls n of Mad;
son st. James Disney, warden
Jamart M. proprietor of "Exchange Coffee House and Hotel,
opposite s end Exchange
James Achsah, Saratoga st betw Liberty and Park
James Wrm. bricklayer, Howard st s of Richmond
James Samuel, plaisterer, George st e of Pine
James John, cabinet maker, Ross st near Biddle
James Joseph, plaisterer, 12 Maiden lane
James Thomas C. segar manufacturer, Fleet st w of Market
James Elizabeth, Fleet st e of Washington
James Sarah, Granby st w of Exeter
James George, Aisquith st n of Monument
James John, carpenter, Aisquith st s of Comet
James Basil, grocer, s w cor Paca and Mulberry sts
James John, n side Gay st e of Mott
James Wm. blacksmith, Hollins st e of Poppleton
James Amos, cor Eutavv and Camden sts
James mrs Mary, grocer, Paca st e of L Greene [of Wil
James Levi, boat builder, Thames st e of Wolfe, dw Market
James Ann, boarding house, over 9 s Calvert st
Jameson Dr. Horatio G. Lexington st w of Park
Jameison John, cooper, Commerce st s of Pratt
Jamison Wm. M. cooper. East st n of Pitt
Jamison Joseph, pres. Ball. Gunpowder Co. office 16 n Fred'k st
Jamison Dr. T. W. 16 n Frederick st
Jamison John, cooper, Commerce st. dw Pratt w of Canal
Jamison Archibald, weaver, Preston st near Penn avenue
Janney Hopkins & Hull, day goods merchants, 202 Baltimore s
Jauney J. of firm, dw e side Sharp st 1 door n of Lombard
January Henry, shoemaker, cor Chestnut al and Chatsworth st
January Daniel, stone cutter, Union st near Penn avenue
Jarboe John R. "Ladies Literary Institute" 44 s High st
Jarrett Thos. superintendent streets, dw Franklin st e of Cove