Irvin George W. tailor, 41 w Pratt st. dw Pine n of Raborg
Irwin James, bricklayer, e side Paca st near Ross
Irwin Joseph W. shoemaker, Eden st n of Gough
Irwin Thomas, 99 Hanover st
Irwin James, drayman, w side Howard st 2 doors n of Perry
Isaacs Isaac, tailor and scourer, 60 Harrison st
Isaacs Gabriel, trader, 51 Harrison st
Isett mrs Margaret, Burgundy alley e of Warner st
Isett Wm. hatter, Dewberry alley near Baltimore st
Isenminger Ellen, Granby st e of Exeter
Isley John, sugar refiner, n side Thomsen st e of Friendship
Ismael George, shoemaker, cor Pratt st and Slemmer alley
Israel Wm. cooper, Raborg st e of Pine
Israel Fielder, property agent, n w cor St Paul and Fayette sts.
dw w side Greene s of Franklin
Israel Jacob, grocery & feed store, s side Baltimore st w of Pine,
cooper shop opposite
Israel Robert, Franklin st w of Pearl
Iuhn Abraham, shoemaker, Market st n of Fleet
Iuhn Solomon, clothier, Fleet st e of Caroline
Ives James, 21 Lombard st w of Centre Market space
Ives Wm. brass founder, 16 Salisbury st
Ives C. H. L. proprietor of Canton depot house
JAALKOPFF Martin, labourer, cor Conway & L Greene
Jacel Conrad, labourer, Hoffman st near Ross
Jackdl Benj. tailor, w side Grant st s of Water
Jackson Aaron, grocer, cor Poppleton and Saratoga sts
Jackson John, blacksmith, s end McEldeny's wharf
Jackson Wm. shoemaker, State st n of Mulberry
Jackson capt Hector, Fleet st w of Ann
Jackson James R. 26 New Church st
Jackson James, labourer, Canton
Jackson Charles, dentist, 8 n Frederick st
Jackson Samuel, drayman, Castle alley w of Fleet st
Jackson Samuel, cutler and surgical instrument maker, 11 n Lib-
erty st. dw s e cor German and Liberty sts
Jackson Joseph, labourer, Wolfe st n of Gough
Jackson George, carpenter, Jackson's court, between Saratoga
and Lexington sts e of Rock
Jackson John, rigger, 6 Market st s of Thames, County wharf
Jackson James, dry goods merchant, 19 Baltimore st
Jackson Dr. C. R. High st n of Lombard
Jackson Robert, shoemaker, Abraham it near Britain
Jackson Alex. I. W. warden of Md. Penitentiary, dw at ditto
Jackson James, shoemaker, inter, of Harford av and Ensor st
Jackson John, blacksmith, Eden st n of Baltimore
Jackson Ann, w side Exeter st n of Gay
Jackson Jonathan, constable, e side Bond st n of Lombard
Jackson Lorinda, seamstress, Gould's court n of Montgomery St
Jackson Jacob, tavern, cor Wilk and Caroline sts