Hughnes John, labourer, Block st w of Thames
Hughson & Vail, saddle, harness and trunk makers, 1 s Calvert
Hughson James W. of firm, dw North st n of Saratoga
Hughston Wm. Pearl st s of Franklin
Hughston James, gardener, Holland st w of Canal
Huheey James, far»er, w side Exeter st n of Gay
Huisler John, tobacfcnist, Pratt st e of Paca
Hull Robert, firm Janney, Hopkins & Hull, dw n side Lombard
st 2 doors e of Sharp
Hull Elizabeth, grocer, s e cor Falls st and Liberty alley
Hull T. J. scriver. Low st w of High
Hulls John, paint and paper hangings, glass and oils store, and
Venitian blind maker, n side Gay st e of Front
Hullet James, carter, Franklin st w of Chatsworth
Hulse John H. dyer, 8 w Lexington st w of Liberty
Hulse John, dyer, cor Holliday and Saratoga sts
Hulse John, collector, w side High st s of French
Hultz mrs Mary, Aisquith st s of Low
Hultz Frederick, cooper, Lee st w of Light
Hultz mrs Catharine, seamstress, Orleans st w of Aisquith
Humane Impartial Society for the benefit of widows and orphans,
n side Gay st s of Baltimore, . Meades, sup't
Humes Thomas, jr. grocer, s w cuncilmen and High sts
Humm C. grocer, s e cor Sterling and Madison sts
Humphrey Richard, gardener, Eager st .
Humphreys Francis, baker, Canal st s of L McElderry
Humphreys Thomas W. feed store, 18 Lancaster st
Humphreys Henry, shoemaker, House's court, s of Con way st w
of Charles
Humphreys Elizabeth Jane, Lancaster st e of Market
Humphreys Thomas, silversmith, 105 s Howard st
Hune H. C. tobacconist, e side Penn avenue s of Union st
Hunemeier J. W. shoemaker, Happy alley s of Alice Anna st
Huoichenn G. merchant, Charles st. dw Conway w of Hanover
Hunt S. & T. H. saddle, harness, and travelling trunk man. 127
Baltimore st—see advertisement page 31
Hunt Samuel, of firm, dw Baltimore st corner of Grant
Hunt Elizabeth, cor Park and Clay sts
Hunt Stephen, blacksmith, Poppleton st n of Raborg
Hunt Elizabeth, e side High st s of Low
Hunt mrs Prudence, Columbia st e of Emory
Hunt Henry, wheelwright, Charles s of Hill, dw Hill e of Hanover
Hunt Andrew, blacksmith, Charles st n of Montgomery, dw cor
Hill and Hanover sts
Hunt Jesse, city register, 138 s Sharp st cor Lee
Hunt Robert K. carpenter, Lombard st e of Bond
Hunt Susanna, fancy store, Market st s of Alice Anna
Hunt Wm. ship carpenter, Market st s of Alice Anna
Hunt Martin, labourer, Strawberry alley n of Lancaster st
Hunt Samuel & Co. mt tailors, 14 s Calvert st
Hunt Samuel, dw cor Exeter aud Salisbury sts