Hubbart Samuel, dw Bank st w of Bond
Hubbart Jeremiah, blacksmith, Bank st e of Caroline
Hubbar John, shoemaker, e side Gay st s of Aisquith
Hubbell Ebenezer, brass founder, 11 n Liberty st. dw Pearl st n
of Lexington
Hubbell mrs J. boarding house, 55 s Sharp st
Huber Henry, printer, Cove st n of Lexingfon
Huber Henry, grocer, n e cor Baltimore and Amity sts
Hucorn mrs Eliza, boarding house, n side Gay st w of AisquitD
Hudson capt Robert, mt. dw cor Market and Lombard sts
Hudson Mary, tailoress, e side Exeter st s of French
Hudson Edward, blacksmith, e side Argyle al n of Lancaster st
Hudson David W. dep. sheriff, 6 Spring st opp fountain
Hufer Lewis, cooper, s side Hillen st e of East
Huffnagle Conrad, cabinet maker, Jew alley near Marion st
Hugg Richard, shoemaker, Park st n of Saratoga
Hugg E. S milliner, n side Gay ste of Molt
Hugg capt Jacob W. e side Caroline st n of Gough
Huggins Josiah G. 47 w Pratt st
Hugging Joseph, jeweller, 130 n Paca et
Hughes Philip, brush mak. Saratoga st w of Poppleton, basement
Hughes mrs Susan W. fancy store, 17 e Baltimore st
Hughes John, Holliday st n of Bath
Hughes Patrick, grocer, North st betw Pleasant and Bath sts
Hughes Aquilla D. dealer in watches, jewelry, &c. 3 North st.
dw cor Eutaw and Saratoga
Hughes Geo. A. s e cor Liberty and Saratoga sts
Hughes Felix, worker at Gas house, 15 Mulberry st
Hughes mrs Jane, Franklin st e of Cove
Hughes James, gardener, n of Philadelphia road, near city limits
Hughes Jas. bricklayer, Mullikin st n e of Fairmount
Hughes Patrick, n side French st opp Potter
Hughes Aquiila, grocer, s w cor Saratoga and Eutaw sts
Hughes Elijah, saddle and harness maker, Gay st e of Front
Hughes Patrick, carter, w side East st n of Ensor
Hughes Patrick, labourer, w side High st s of French
Hughes Hugh, machinist, Lombard st e of Amity
Hughes Wm. Charles st s of Sugar alley
Hughes Thomas, watchman, Choptank st s of Hampstead
Hughes James, gardener, w of Loney's lane n of e Mon't st ext.
Hughes capt Scott, Gough st e of Caroline
Hughes John, labourer, Block st w of Thames
Hughes Wm. chair maker, Pratt st w of Market
Hughes John, cabinet maker, t side Bond st s of Bank st
Hughes Patrick, s side Fish market, at bridge
Hughes Vincent, fisher, Concord st s of Fish market
Hughes Ann, grocer, 110 Dugan's wharf
Hughes Hugh C. T. grocer, s w cor Dugan's whf and Wall st
Hughes Jeremiah, publisher ("Niles's) National Register," over
3 Exchange place, Lombard st
Hughlet Chatham, hatter, Swan st