Delchermrs Margaret, huckster, Eden st n of Orleans
Delcher John, brewer, Columbia st w of Emory
Delevie Solomon, clothing store, 67 Harrison st .
Delfel Frederick, cooper, 215 Bond st
Dell Wm. bookbinder, Mulberry st e of Pine
Dell George, bookbinder, Mulberry st 1 door e of Pine
Dellevire Samuel, tobacconist, Pratt st e of centre market space
Delly mrs Susanna, Burgundy alley e of Warner st
Delmas mrs A. A. over 247 Baltimore st
Delmore James, labourer, Rock st n of Lexington
Deloste Francis, watchmaker and jeweller, 44 Baltimore st
Deloughery E. M. D. corner Pitt and Temple sts
DeMangin Francis A. baker, 268 n Howard st
DeMangin Chas. bookbinder & paper ruler, Ross st w of Jasper
Demar Paul, labourer, Canton e of Harris's Creek
Demelman James, optician, Lombard st e of Charles
Dempsey Owen, baker, Perry st w of Charles
Dempsey Michael C. "New England and Susquehanna House,"
23 Pratt st near Dugan's wharf
Dempster mrs Maria, Cross st w of Johnson
Dempster mrs M. A. Cross st e of William
Dempster James, fisher, Cross st e of William
Demuth John, constable, at Esq Blair's office, dw York avenue
n of Madison st
Denboer mrs Mary Ann, Raborg st e of Pine
Denboer Julia, tailoress, n side Sterling st e of Mott
Dengle Henry, carpet weaver, corner Granby st & Slemmer' sal
Denison Marcus, grocer, 31 Baltimore st. dw s Gay st near Balt
Denison J. plaisterer, Eden st n of Orleans
Denison, Conain & Co. pat. floor cloth man. w side High st betw
Lombard and Baltimore—see advertisement page 12
Denison Edward, of firm, dw Baltimore st w of Cove
Denmead Isaac, 230 n Howard st
Denmead & Daniels, proprietors of Monument Foundry, Mon-
ument st w of the Bridge
Denmead Adarn, of firm, d\v Exeter st n of Pitt
Denmead Wm. machinist, of firm, dw York av n of Monument St
Denmead Thomas, machinist, Cove st n ofFranklin
Dennis Mrs. Lexington st w of Park
Dennis Frederick, ship carpenter, Washington st n of Fleet
Dennis Wm. cooper, German st. dvv Rock st n of Lexington
Dennis Benjamin M. paper hanger, Rock st n of Lexington
Dennis James, e side Beuren st n of Monument
Dennis Frederick, shipwright, Fleet st e of Bond
Dennis Henry, tailor, 69 McElderry's wharf
Denniston Jno. H. draper & tailor, Baltimore st 6 doors e of Pine
Denny William, ship joiner, Fell st near Wolfe, and Patterson st
near Pratt, dw Market st betw Wilk and Bank
Denny & Randolph, lumber merchants, cor Thames & Wolfe sts
Denny Mary, tailoress, w side High st s of French