Decker George, n side Fayette st e of Howard
Decker George J. carpenter, Franklin st w of Chatsworth
Decker Francis, tailor. Front st near Hillen
Decker L. N. deputy sheriff, Ensor st s of Madison
Deckhart John, labourer, Lancaster st e of Market
DeCourcy Henry, blacksmith, w side Happy alley n of Bank st
Deecker & Gerdes, tobacco exporters, 59 Lombard e of Hanover
Deegin mrs Ann, Gay st near Mott
Deckle mrs Catharine, Biddle alley near Ross st
Deems col Jacob, 73 Pitt st
Deems Jacob moulder, Columbia st e of Scott
Deems John, clock dealer, Salisbury st e of Lloyd
Deems Adam, watchman, w side Light st 1 door n of Montg'y
Deets Jacob, carpenter, w side Potter st n of Gay
Deford Chas. D. &. Co. tobacco & gen'l com mts. 63 Smith's wf
Deford B. & Co. dealers in hides, leather and oil, corner Calvert
and Lombard sts
Deford B. dvv 89 n Calvert st
Deford Thomas G. shoemaker, Cove st n of Mulberry
Degau Thomas, carter, Amity st s of Fayette
Degenhard Charles & Co. tobacco, snuff and cigar manufacturer,
Gay st 2 doors n of Saratoga
Degenhard Charles, tobacconist, 28 Bond st
Degilvin Sarah, tailoress, Lancaster st w of Ann
Degoey B. furniture store, Baltimore st e of High
Degoey Charles, mariner, Lancaster st w of Bond
Degoey Wm. hatter, 24 centre market space, dw Balt e of High
Degrofft Amelia, Poppleton st s of McHenry alley
De Gruchy John, s side Baltimore st vv of Canal
Dehn Andrew W. carpet weaver, cor Paca st and Carpenter's a.
DeHoff M. E. Jasper st n of Franklin
Dehoff Jesse, wheelwright, Jasper st near Lexington
Deibel Peter, baker, Baltimore si w of Amity
Deicke Chas. painter of decorations, s e cor Light and Cross sts
Deikel John, shoemaker, Hamburg st e of Light
Deil Christian, baker, s side Ensor st w of Forest
Deiter Charles, boat builder, w side Spring st s of Gough
Deiter A. trunk maker, Bank st e of Eden
Deiter miss T. Garden st near Madison
Deitman Henry, labourer, Lancaster st e of Market
Deitzel Michael, cordwainer, cor Wolfe and Fleet sts
DeLachelie H. professor of French, Paca st s of Carpenter's al
DeLaCour James P. com mt. Hollins st e of Poppleton
Delaney R. grocer, Pratt st w of McHenry alley
Delaney Jane, 9 Thames st
Delaney Susan, e side Bond st n of Pratt
Delano Joseph, ship carpenter, Comet st w of Aisquith
Delano Joseph, shipwright, Gough st n of Granby
De la Roche George, civil engineer and surveyor, s w cor Lex-
ington and North sts. office basement
Delcher John, huckster, 49 Pitt st