Director for 1837. RAN
Quinn Thomas, liquor store, s e cor Wilk and Spring Sts
Quinn James, Bank st Harford Run
Quinn Hugh, labourer, Davis st
Quinn James, labourer, Holliday st n of Bath
Quinn Edward, labourer, Cross st near Johnson
Quinn Robert, stevadore, Apple alley near Lancaster st
Quincy Capt. Jolm D. Exeter st near Hillen
+Quinton ———— labourer, Long alley s of New st
+Quinton Solomon, Busy alley e of Sharp st
Quisick Edward, printer, 100 Bond st
RABB Stephen, hackman, Low st betw Potter and Forest
Raborg Henrietta, grocer, Columbia st w of Cove
Raborg Christopher, wholesale tin and copper warehouse, 12
Pratt st. dw Pratt st near Eutaw
Raby Christopher, fisherman, Lancaster st w of Strawberry al.
Rafield William W. tailor, cor Barre and Howard Sts
Ragen John, labourer, Constitution st near French
Rail Rqad office, of the Balto, and Ohio, n e cor Calvert and
Fayete Sts. ticket office n e cor Charles and Camden. Sts
Rail Road Balt. &, Susquehanna, depot cor North st and Eager
Raine Ellen, tailoress, Caroline st n of Baltimore [alley
Raines Capt. Lewis, Gough st w of Bond
Rainbow Charles, Salisbury st e of Lloyd
++Ralph Benjamin, sawyer, Happy alley s of Fleet st
+Ralph, Abraham, sawyer, Happy alleys of Fleet st
Ramsay Isaac, 28 Fleet st
Ramsay Joseph, ship smith, 11 Market st. f. p.
Ramsay Mrs Ann, Alice Anna st e of Bond
Ramsay mrs Ann, 8 Thames st
Ramsay Jefferson, agent of Baltimore Chemical factory, Stiles st
Ramsey Wm. brush manufactory, 17 n Howard st [w of Exeter
Ramsay Alexander, carter, Low st n of Forest
+Ramsay Charles, labourer, Long lane n of Orleans
Ramsay Elizabeth, Academy, Gay st near Fayette
Randal John, carpenter, Spring st s of Pratt
Randall William, rope maker, cor Bond and Pinkney Sts
Randall Charles, waterman, 51 Centre Market space
Randall Mrs Mary, Stillhouse st
Randall Thomas W. tailor, Harford avenue near Madison st
Randall mrs Nancy, York st w of Light
Randall John K. and Co. merchants, 109 Smith's whf
Randall John, clerk, Conway st e of Charles
Randall mrs. huckster, Cove st betw Franklin and Pierce
Randall Col. Beale, Franklin st e of Cove
Randall Frecia, Eager alley e side
Randall D. A. mead manufactory, 126 n Howard st. dw 116 How-
Randall Elisha, clerk, 61 ront st [ard st
Randall mrs Mary, boarding house, Columbia st extended
Randolph Thomson, teacher, Wilk st near Ann, dw Fleet st near
261 [Ann st