QUI Matchett's Baltimore
Pue Dr. Arthur, 30 Hanover st
Pullen Randall, sea captain, e Baltimore st e of Caroline
Pulley Diana, washer, above Howard st betw Green and Conway
Pulley Capt. James, n w cor Wilk and Wolf Sts
+Pulley Sarah, Spring st n of Gouh
+Pulley Edward, drayman, East st s of Douglass
Purcell James, labourer, Columbia st near Cove
Purcell James, grocer, Frederick st, s of Water
Purdie Elizabeth, dress maker, s Calvert st 2d door from Mercer
Purdy John, commission merchant, 58 s Frederick st. dw cor of
e Pratt and Albemarle Sts
Perkins miss Charlotte, Academy, Frederick st near Gay
Purnell Charles B. draper and tailor, 60 Pratt st
+Purnell Shepen, barber, n Gay st near Front, dw nearly opp
Purner George, labourer, Harford avenue
Purter Charles, victualler, Columbia st w of Emory
Purviance Hon. John, associate judge Baltimore County Court.
dw s Gay st betw Baltimore and Second
Purviance Samuel, office Fayette st w of Calvert
Purviance Robt, attorney at law, office Frederick st betw Second
Purviance Robert, Couftland st w of Pleasant [and Balto.
++Purviance Catherine, huckster, French lane
++Purviance William, carter, East st near Hillen
Perkuker George, blacksmith, Thames st e of Block
Purvin Harman, labourer, Market st n of Thames, f. p.
Purvis James F. Harford av. near Missionary church
++Pye Rozetta, washer. Eager alley e side
QUAIL George K. hat manufacturer, 168 Baltimore st. dw 4
Quarters' Meeting house, see page 18 [New Church st
Quay J. C. carpenter, 98 Pratt st
Quay mrs Sarah, Eden st s of Pilt
Quay James & R. oak coopers, 8 Grant st. dw next door
Quay Jno. M. boat builder, City Block, dw Philpot w of Thames
Quay Sarah , sempstress, Harford avenue
Queen James, carpenter, Eaer alley n of Saratoga 8t
Queen Edward, carter, St. Mary's sis of Ross
+Queen Eliza, washer, Columbia st e of Howard
+Queen Harriet, Frederick st near Second
+Queen Elias, labourer, Cross stnear William
+ Queen Stephen jr. labourer. Hill st e of Charles
+ Queen Stephen, huxter, Hill st near Charles
+ Queen Chrissy, washer, West st. extended
Quel John H. Shakspeare st w of Market
Quinlan Martha, Paca st s of Columbia
Quinn Margaret, grocer, 244 n Howard st
Quinn Matthew, hat and shoe store, 68 Pratt st
Quinn Peter, shoe maker, cor Mercec and Grant Sts
Quinn John, labourer, 5 Mercer St
Quinn William, drayman, Camden st w of Calhoun alley