Director for 1837. DIF
Devers mrs., French st near Bath
Devier mrs Sarah, French fit near East
Devier mr., Saratoga st w of Chatsworth
Deville Francis, wig maker, 4 South st
Deviney mrs Jane, sempstress, Forest st opp Penitentiary
Devtier Benj. cordwainer, Columbia al w of Chatsworth st
Devious Wm. merchant, dw Lexington st e of Pine
Dewives Samuel, gas worker, Lerew's al s of Franklin st
Diamond James, cooper, Wolf st s of Alice Anna
Dial Wm. baker. Canal st near Jefferson
Diasy John, cordwainer, Charles st s of Pratt
Dice Stephen, ship carpenter. Fell st s of Thames
Dice Charles, 24 New Church st
Dick Wm. rigger, Wolf st n of Alice Anna
Dickhel Catherine, grocer, Biddle st s of Ross
Dickell J. J. cordwainer, Charles st s of Honey alley
Dickerson Margaret, Market st extended
Dickerson James, laborer, Howard st betw Perry & Conway
Dickey P. man'r cotton goods, Saratoga st w of Rock
Dickinson capt David B. Caroline st s of Pratt
Dickinson James, sawyer, Wagon al w of Park st
Dickinson John, carpenter, n Sharp st dw Lexington e of Cove
Dickinson Joshua, grocer, cor Charles and Lee sts
Dickinson Elisha, shoemaker, Cross st e of Williams
+Dickinson Rich'd, steamboat hand, Douglass st w of Aisquith
Dickinson Isaac, labourer, Sharp st n of Barnet
++Dickinson Wm. stevadore, Spring st n of Gough
Dickson James, band box man'r. Market st s of Alice Anna
Dickson Lucretia, Salisbury st e of Lloyd
Dickson Wm. labourer, Baltimore st w of Amity
Dickson Elizabeth, sempstress, Vine st w of Cove
Dickson mrs., weaver, Richmond st e of Tyson alley
Dickson A. C. fancy dressmaker, Franklin e of Green
++ Dickson Daniel, sawyer, Perry st e of Eutaw
++Dickison James, carriage driver, n Gay st near Mott
++ Dickison Daniel, labourer, Hanover st n of Montgomery
++ Dickson Frances, washer, Hillen st near Ensor
++Dickson John, labourer, Ensor st foot of Gallows' hill
++ Dickson James, labourer, Hanover st n of Montgomery
Didier Dr. F. J. drug store, 63 mkt. sp. dw Wafer near Lloyd
Didier Ed. firm Greenway & Didier, dw Calvert s of Saratoga
Didier H. merchant, 70 n Charles st
Didier & Norvell, dealers in silk and fancy goods, 28 s Charles
Diel Christian, baker, 92 Ensor st near Forest
Dieterly Christopher, confectioner, Gay st near Saratoga
Dieter Eustatius, tavern, 134 Bond st
++Dieter Charles, boat builder, Spring st n of Bank
Diffendall Catherine, Constitution st near French
Diffenderffer Dr. M. corner Plowman and High sts