title "Crimes and Punishments," under the subtitle "Fraud-
Butter-Oleomargarine," and to re-enact the same with amend-
ments, and to add a new section to be known as Section 125A,
providing for the prevention of deception in the sale of dairy
products, and penalties for the manufacture or sale of arti-
cles in imitation thereof.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ty the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Sections 122 to 125, inclusive, of Article 27 of the
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Crimes and
Punishments," under the subtitle "Fraud-Butter-Oleomar-
garine," be and the same are hereby repealed, and that a new
section be added, to be known as Section 125A, the same to fol-
low Section 125, and the whole to read as follows:
122. No person shall manufacture, offer or expose for sale,
sell or deliver, or have in his possession with intent to sell or
deliver within this State, as for natural butter, renovated but-
ter, butter made by the Quinness patent or process, or that
made by other similar process, whereby casein of milk or
other ingredients are made to imitate and resemble natural
butter made from cream or other substitute made or colored to
imitate natural butter.
23. Renovated butter, process butter, oleomargarine, but-
terine, or other butter substitute may be sold, if free from pro-
hibited ingredients and otherwise wholesome, provided each ves-
sel, package, roll or parcel of such substance be plainly and con-
spicuously branded by a stamp or label, with the true name
of such substance in letters not less than thirty-six point bold-
faced gothic capitals, and also the name of each article or in-
gredient used or entering into the composition of such sub-
stance, in letters of reasonable size; and provided also that the
seller keep constantly and conspicuously posted on all sides
of the room in which the sale is made a placard the face of
which shall contain plainly printed in black ink thereon in the
English language, in type not smaller than six inches in
height, the words "(the true name of the substance) sold here."
124. Any proprietor or person in charge of hotel, boarding-
house, restaurant, or other place or vehicle where food is sold
or served for pay, who shall serve, sell or use as butter any
substance or compound other than that produced wholly from
unadulterated milk or cream, with or without salt or harmless
coloring matter, shall cause to be plainly printed on every bill
of fare, if one be used, in letters not smaller than eight point
bold-faced gothic capitals, in the English language, the words
"(true name of substance) used here in place of butter;" and
in case no bill of fare be used, shall cause to be conspicuously
posted upon each side of the eating-room or place, and in let-