United States, above twenty-one years of age, who shall have
bona fide resided in the town for two years next preceding the
election at which they shall offer to vote, shall be entitled to
vote for said president and commissioners.
SEC. 191. On the third Monday in March, in the year 1911
(and on the same date biennially thereafter), said voters shall
elect a prseident of said board, who shall serve for the two
years thence ensuing, or until his successor is duly elected and
qualified; also on the third Monday of March, 1911, said voters
shall elect four commissioners for terms to be determined
as follows: As soon as said commissioners have been elected
and qualified they shall by lot divide themselves into two
classes, two of said commissioners to serve for two years from
the date of their election, or until their successors are elected
and qualified, and two to serve for one year from the date of
their election, or until their successors are duly elected and
qualified; and on the third Monday of March, 1912, and on
that date annually thereafter, said voters shall elect two com-
missioners to serve for two years from the date of their elec-
tion, or until their successors are elected and qualified.
SEC. 192. The president and commissioners of said town
shall annually designate the time and place of holding said
election and give at least ten days' notice thereof by notices set
up at five of the most prominent places in said town; and at a
meeting of said board prior to the third Monday in March in
each year shall appoint some person to act as judge of said
election, who before acting as such shall qualify in the same
manner as judges of election for State and county officers in
said county are required to qualify, before a Justice of the
Peace of said county, and shall open the polls at two o'clock
P. M. on the third Monday in March in each year, and close the
same at six o'clock P. M.; and said president and commission-
ers shall also appoint at said meeting a person to act as
clerk of said election, who shall qualify in like manner as said
person so as aforesaid appointed as judge; and the person
voted for president as aforesaid at said election who shall re-
ceive the highest number of votes shall be president as afore-
said, and the persons in number according to the previous sec-
tion voted for at said election for commissioners for said town
who shall, respectively, receive the highest number of votes,
shall be commissioners as aforesaid.
SEC. 193. If at any election to be held as aforesaid it shall
appear by the certificate of the said judge and clerk of said
election that any two or more persons voted for as president,
or any two or more persons voted for as commissioners have
received the same number of Votes, so that there shall be no