by the sale of said bonds and the interest accruing from said
sinking fund with the treasurer and collector of State and
county taxes for Baltimore County, who shall deposit the same
in one or more banks designated by the County Commissioners,
subject to the order of the "Good Roads Commission of Balti-
more County," as herein provided; the compensation payable
to the members of said commission as hereinbefore provided,
together with all office expenses, cost of books, necessary filing
devices, stationery supplies, maps, plans, statistics, etc., shall
be paid, as far as practicable, out of the income arising from
the investment of the sinking fund aforesaid, and the general
roads and bridge fund as collected by the County Commission-
ers of Baltimore County; and for this purpose said County
Commissioners of Baltimore County shall keep a separate,
exact and accurate account of the income arising from the
investment of said sinking fund, together with such other
amount as they may find necessary to meet expenses above set
forth, and place said amount so allotted with the treasurer
and collector of State and county taxes for Baltimore County,
and subject to the order of the "Good Roads Commission of
Baltimore County," which said commission shall have power,
should it be found necessary, to appoint such assistants to the
District Road Supervisors and the Baltimore County Road
Engineer, and such legal advisers as shall be found necessary
to fulfill the duties of said commission, in which case it shall
have the power to fix the compensation of such assistants and
advisers, which shall be paid out of the fund aforesaid.
SEC. 368E. The said "Good Roads Commission of Baltimore
County" shall have general charge of and control over the pub-
lic highways, roads, bridges, streets and alleys of Baltimore
County so far as the same shall be selected, erected, constructed
and improved under the provisions of this Act; and after com-
pletion or improvement of any road or bridge, street, lane or
alley, this commission shall, with the approval of the Baltimore
County Roads Engineer and the consent of the Highways Com-
mission of Baltimore County, which joint consent shall be in
writing and duly recorded among the records of the Highways
Commission of Baltimore County, transfer, convey and pass
over to the said Highways Commission of Baltimore County
such public highways, roads, bridges, streets and alleys so
erected, constructed or improved, so that the same shall pass to
and become under the control of the Highways Commission of
Baltimore County and be by them maintained as now provided
by law. The said "Good Roads Commission of Baltimore
County" shall have all the power in respect to the public high-
ways and bridges of the county which shall be constructed or
improved out of the funds provided in this Act heretofore