AN ACT to repeal Section 17 of Chapter 214 of an Act of the
General Assembly of Maryland of 1908, entitled "An Act to
empower the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to estab-
lish and maintain a reservoir or lake in the Valley of the
Gunpowder river, in Baltimore County, for the purpose of
augmenting and improving the municipal water supply of
Baltimore City; to exercise certain other powers in connec-
tion therewith; to utilize, extend, enlarge, reinforce, adapt,
reconstruct, alter, re-equip, or repair, for the purposes of
this Act, or for other purposes affecting the municipal water
supply of Baltimore City, all, or any part or parts of the
present water system of Baltimore City, or its appurte-
nances; and to issue stock to an amount not exceeding five
million dollars for the purpose of this Act.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 17 of Chapter 214 of the Act of the General
Assembly of Maryland of 1908, entitled "An Act to empower
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to establish and
maintain a reservoir or lake in the Valley of the Gunpowder
river, in Baltimore County, for the purpose of augmenting
and improving the municipal water supply of Baltimore City;
to exercise certain other powers in connection therewith; to
utilize, extend, enlarge, reinforce, adapt, reconstruct, alter,
re-equip or repair, for the purposes of this Act, or for other
purposes affecting the municipal water supply of Baltimore
City, all or any part or parts of the present water system of
Baltimore City, or its appurtenances; and to issue its stock
to an amount not exceeding five million dollars for the pur-
poses of this Act," be and the same is hereby repealed.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1910.
AN ACT to authorize and require the County Commissioners
of Baltimore County to make a special levy of not more than
twenty cents on each one hundred dollars of the whole
assessable property situated in the Village of Relay, Balti-
more County, for the use and purpose of the betterment of
the roads, sidewalks, sanitary measures, drainage and other