re-enact the same with amendments and to add an additional
section to said subtitle, to come in after Section 58D and to
be designated as 58B.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Sections 57 and 58 and 58A, 58B, 58C, 58D of Article
2 of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Anne Arundel
County," subtitle "Annapolis," be and the same are hei-oby
repealed and re-enacted so as to read as follows:
SEC. 57. The annual tax levy shall be made by the Mayor,
Counselor and Aldermen of the City of Annapolis on or before
the first day of August, in the year 1910, and in each succeeding
year, and said taxes shall be due and payable not later than
thirty days after the publication of the ordinance imposing the
tax rate; and shall have full power and authority in all par-
ticulars to provide by ordinance not inconsistent with this
Article, or any law heretofore passed amending the Charter of
the City of Annapolis, for the levying and collection of taxes,
for municipal purposes, upon the assessable property within
the limits of said city, of whatsoever kind, not exceeding one
per centum per annum on each and every one hundred dollars,"
worth of property; and also to provide by ordinance to charge
interest on said taxes in such manner and upon such terms as
they may deem expedient, not exceeding six per cent, per
annum. "
SEC. 58. It shall be the duty of the Collector and Treasurer,
as soon as the annual tax levy shall have been made, to give
public notice thereof, by advertisement, inserted once a week
for three successive weeks in two newspapers published in the
City of Annapolis, and to prepare a bill of each taxpayer, and,
on application, he shall forward the bill by mail or otherwise,
or deliver the same to the person, firm or corporation to whom
the property included in such bill is assessed.
SEC. 58A, It shall be the duty of the Collector and Treas-
urer during the month of April, succeeding the levy of taxes,
to have inserted in one or two newspapers published in the
City of Annapolis, Maryland, a notice that if the same be not
paid on or before June next, after the date of said advertise-
ment, the property upon which the taxes may be due and owing
will be levied upon, advertised and sold to enforce payment
thereof; and the said advertisement shall continue in such
newspapers not less than thirty days.
SEC. 58B. If the taxes so levied shall not be paid on or
before the first day of June succeeding the levy thereof, it
shall be the duty of the Collector and Treasurer to proceed to
enforce payment of the same 'by a levy upon the real or per-