title "Anne Arundel County," subtitle "County Commission-
ers," to come in after the two sections designated 124A, as
enacted, respectively, by Chapter 423 of the Acts of 1900 and
Chapter 124 of the Acts of 1904, to be known as Sections 124c
to 124K, respectively, and to read as follows:
SEC. 124c. The County Commissioners of said county shall
have the power, and it shall be their duty, to subdivide into
separate taxable districts of the county which now have, or
may hereafter have, special privileges not enjoyed by all dis-
tricts of the county in general, such as lighting, police protec-
tion, garbage removal service, and such other privileges, fou
example, as are properly incident to the administration of
township or municipal corporations, which privileges are now
paid for by all the districts of the county through the general
tax levy fund; and every such taxable district enjoying such
special privileges shall bear the entire expense of maintaining
the same in the respective districts; and to accomplish this
purpose the County Commissioners shall keep al separate account
of all expenses incurred in connection with said special privi-
leges and annually levy upon the assessable property of each
of said districts, respectively, a tax sufficient to defray said
expense in each of said districts, but nothing in this section
shall be construed to relieve said districts from taxes for gen-
eral purposes, as now regulated by law; provided, that such
taxable districts of said county as shall under the provisions
of this Act be so required to bear the entire expenses of main-
taining such special privileges shall be credited in ascertaining
the proportion of taxes chargeable against them because of
their enjoyment of said special privileges, with all fines
imposed by the Justices of the Peace exercising their duties in
said districts of said county; and also with all receipts from
liquor licenses granted in said districts, as provided by Sec-
tion 2 of Chapter 119 of the Acts of 1906, as said section is
re-enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland at the Ses-
sion of 1910, except the portion of said receipts payable under
existing laws to the State of Maryland.
SEC. 124o. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the County Commissioners of Anne Arundel Coun-
ty, for the purpose of improving the towns of the Fifth Dis-
trict, set aside each year all funds levied for maintenance and
improving of roads, liquor licenses and Justices of the Peace
fines that may be collected in said district.
SEC. 124E. Be it enacted, That said County Commissioners
are hereby authorized and directed to accept an easement for
right of way to the beds of such roads, streets, alleys or high-
ways in the said Fifth District as shall be approved by the
Board of County Commissioners, acting jointly with the com