AN ACT to enlarge and improve and obtain a new water sup-
ply for the City of Cumberland, Maryland, and to provide a
fund for the same and the issuing of bonds not exceeding
five hundred thousand dollars, and to authorize said city to
subscribe for the stock in a water company, and to amend
the Public Local Laws of Maryland, Article 1, entitled "Alle-
gany County," sub-title "Cumberland," by adding additional
sections thereto, to be known as Sections 78D1, 78D2 and
78D3, and to follow immediately after 78D of said Article.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Article 1 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Mary-
land, entitled "Allegany County," sub-title "City of Cumber-
land," be and the same is hereby amended by adding additional
sections thereto, to follow immediately after 78n, and to be
known as 78Dl, 78D2 and 78D3.
SEC. 78D1. That the Mayor and City Council of Cumber-
land shall at their next annual meeting held for the purpose of
making a levy for the ensuing year, provide a fund, which in
their judgment shall be sufficient, not exceeding ten thousand
dollars, which shall be expended in making the necessary sur-
veys, examinations, tests and reports as to a new water supply,
and the sufficiency and adaptability of the same, and also in
securing options on such lands, streams, springs and water-
courses as may be necessary to secure the necessary rights, and
also for the purpose of paying for any preliminary acts and
work and labor and specialists which the said Mayor and City
Council may deem necessary and proper to complete and formu-
late its plans for a new system of and supply of water for the
City of Cumberland.
SEC. 78D2. That the Mayor and City Council of Cumber-
land shall as soon as they shall have agreed upon a plan for
obtaining a new water supply for the city of Cumberland, and
for the storage, impounding and distribution of the same, and
shall have obtained, in their judgment, options for all neces-
sary lands, streams, waters and watercourses and rights of
way for pipe lines to convey the water into the city of Cum-
berland, shall publish for one month prior to the election here-
inafter provided for, a detailed statement of the plans so pro-
posed by said Mayor and City Council of Cumberland, setting
out the source of supply, sizes of pipe contemplated, reservoirs,
if any, pumping stations, artesian wells, impounding dams and
the total estimated cost of the same, based upon the estimates
of two reputable hydraulic engineers, to whom the plans shall
have been submitted, and the said plan so adopted and pub-