said Grant street to the Cumberland and Pennslyvania Rail-
road, and with said railroad northwesterly one-quarter of a
mile to Bowery street, and with Bowery street northwesterly
one-third of a mile to the beginning; the Supervisors of Elec-
tions shall have proper books arranged for said new district,
and shall appoint the proper registration and election officials
to perform the duties required by law, so that at all elections
hereafter to be held the voters in said district may cast their
votes in the same.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1910.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments, Section
209n of Article 1, and Section 164G of Article 12 of the Pub-
lic Local Laws of the State of Maryland, as the same was
enacted by Chapter 124 of the Acts of 1902, the same being
known as the Mining Law of Allegany and Garrett Counties,
such section as amended providing certain requirements
with regard to the opening and closing of cross-cuts and cut-
throughs for the passage of air and the ventilation of the
mines, and defining the distance apart at which such cross-
cuts and cut-throughs shall be driven, and defining certain
duties as to working in advance of the air current, and mak-
ing it a misdemeanor to violate any of the provisions of such
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 209H of Article 1, and Section 164G of Ar-
ticle 12 of the Public Local Laws of Allegany and Garrett
Counties, respectively, as enacted by Chapter 124 Of the Acts
of the year 1902, be and the same is hereby repealed and re
enacted with amendments, so as to read as follows:
SEC. 209H of Article 1, Sec. 164o of Article 12. It shall be
the duty of the superintendent and mine foreman, and of each
of them, to see that proper cut-throughs or cross-cuts are made
in all the rooms or pillars at such distances apart as the Mine
Inspector shall deem requisite, not more than thirty-five yards
in any instance in what is known as the Big Vein, and not
more than twenty yards apart in any of the other veins, for
the purpose of ventilation, and the ventilation shall be con-
ducted through said cut-throughs or cross-cuts into the faces
of the rooms by means of check doors made of canvas or other
suitable material, placed in the entries and other suitable
places, and such superintendent or mine foreman shall not