exception of the portions of the respective amounts of the sev-
eral items disapproved, as appears in the disapproval of the
said several items and in the disapprovals of the portions of
the respective amounts of the said several items hereunto an-
nexed :
The provisions and items of the above Act, to wit: Chapter
431, entitled, "An Act making appropriations for the support
of the State Government for the fiscal year ending on the
thirtieth day of September.; nineteen hundred and twelve," are
hereby approved with the exception of the following provisions
and items and with the exception of the following named por-
tions of the respective amounts of the several items contained
in said Act, which are hereby severally and respectively disap-
proved, to wit:
On Page 5 of the enrolled Act under the caption Board of
Shell Fish Commission, the item "For the salaries of the as-
sistants to be appointed by said board and the surveyor and
for the other outlays and disbursements authorized by law to
be made by said board, the sum of twenty thousand dollars,
or so much thereof as in the opinion of the Governor may be
necessary," is disapproved.
On Page 8 of the enrolled Act under the caption Reforma-
tory and other institutions, the item, "Together with the fur-
ther sum of seventy-five hundred dollars ($7,500.00) for Build-
ings" for the Maryland School for Boys, is disapproved.
On Page 8 of the enrolled Act under the caption Reforma-
tory and other institutions, the item, "To the Maryland Asylum
and Training School for the Feeble Minded, the sum of seventy
thousand dollars ($70,000.000)," is approved to the extent or
amount of fifty-five thousand dollars ($55,000.00) and is dis-
approved to the extent of fifteen thousand dollars ($15.000.00)
On Page 8 of the enrolled Act under the caption Reforma-
tory and other institutions, the item, "To the Springfield Hos-
pital for the Insane, the sum of one hundred and forty thou-
sand dollars ($140,000.00)" is approved to the extent or amount
of one hundred and thirty thousand dollars ($130,000.00) and
is disapproved to the extent or amount of ten thousand dol-
lars ($10,000.00) thereof.
On Page 8 of the enrolled Act under the caption Reforma-
tory and other institutions, the item, "To the Maryland Tu-
berculosis Sanitarium the sum of one hundred thousand dol-
lars (|10,000.00)" is approved to the extent or amount of
seventy-five thousand dollars and is disapproved to the ex-
tent or amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00)