hundred thousand dollars; provided, however, that a corpora-
tion with a capital of not less than two hundred thousand dol-
lars may be organized in a city containing more than one
hundred thousand and less than two hundred and fifty thou-
sand inhabitants, and a corporation may be organized with a
capital of not less than one hundred and fifty thousand dollars
in a city containing more than twenty-five thousand inhabi-
tants and less than one hundred thousand inhabitants, and
with a capital of at least one hundred thousand dollars in a
city or town the population of which does not exceed twenty-
five thousand inhabitants, the number of inhabitants in each
case to be ascertained or determined by the last Federal or
State enumeration.
42. The articles of incorporation shall be executed in tripli-
cate by the persons joining therein, before an officer authorized
to take acknowledgments, after they have been approved, in
writing, by the Bank Commissioner, who shall have power to
require changes as he may deem necessary before he approves
them, and shall then be submitted to one of the judges of the
judicial circuit in which the trust company is to be located in
order that he may determine whether the said articles are
framed in accordance with existing laws. One copy shall then
be filed for record in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit
Court in the county in which the trust company is to be located,
or in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore
City, when to be located in said city, and one copy shall be
filed with the Bank Commissioner, who shall issue his certifi-
cate therefor, and one copy shall be filed with the State Tax
Commissioner. The corporation so formed shall have no legal
existence until all the copies of the articles of incorporation
have been filed for record as herein directed. The fee for filing
such articles of incorporation with the Bank Commissioner
shall be ten ($10) dollars, and for filing amendments to the
articles of incorporation, five ($5) dollars, all such fees to be
collected by the Bank Commissioner. Before filing the organi-
zation certificate a notice of intention to organize such trust
company shall be published at least once a week for four weeks
in a newspaper to be designated by the Bank Commissioner,
published in the city, town or county where such trust com-
pany is proposed to be located. Such notice shall specify the
names of the proposed incorporators, the name of the pro-
posed incorporation and the location of same as set forth in
such organization certificate.
43. Upon the receipt of any such organization certificate at
the office of the Bank Commissioner, if it shall not be in form
and substance, or duly and properly acknowledged, as required