to be used as provided in Section 140r hereof, and shall receive
a receipt therefor. Said Commissioner shall be conversant
with the construction of motor vehicles, and shall be required
to make oath that he has personally operated motor vehicles
other than motorcycles at least two thousand miles prior to his
appointment. Immediately upon the qualification of said Com-
missioner as provided for in this section, he shall obtain from
the Secretary of State all existing records appertaining to the
registration of motor vehicles and licensing of chauffeurs,
including the names and addresses of owners, and the names of
makers, the manufacturer's numbers and the horsepower of
such motor vehicles, and such other information as said records
may disclose, and said Commissioner may require, and said
Commissioner shall pay therefor to the Secretary of State
such an amount as said Secretary of State may certify as neces-
sary to compensate him for the expense incurred in preparing
and furnishing such information. In case of the absence of
the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, or of his inability from
any cause to perform the duties of his office, the Governor shall
designate some properly qualified person to perform such
duties, such person to have all the powers and perform all the
duties of said Commissioner during such absence or inability
as aforesaid, and to receive such compensation per diem and
give such bond as the Governor may prescribe.
In addition to the specific duties imposed upon the Commis-
sioner of Motor Vehicles by the provisions of this subtitle, it
shall be his duty faithfully to exercise every reasonable effort
to secure the enforcement of this subtitle, so that motor vehicle
traffic in this State shall be reasonably and efficiently regu-
lated with due regard to the convenience of persons using
motor vehicles and the safety of the public in general. Said
Commissioner shall have power to administer the oath pre-
scribed by law in all cases in which he may deem the same
necessary, in the performance of his duties, prescribed by this
132. Wherever the term "motor vehicle" is used in this
subtitle, except when otherwise expressly provided, it shall be
taken to include all vehicles, including motor bicycles or
motorcycled propelled by any power other than muscular
power, except such vehicles as run only upon rails or tracks.
The term "local authorities" shall include all officers of coun-
ties, cities, towns or villages, as well as all boards, committees
and other public officials of such counties, cities, towns or vil-
lages. The term "State" as used in this subtitle, except when
otherwise expressly provided and except in Section 140a, shall
also include the Territories and Federal districts of the United1