substances injurious to the feet of persons or animals or
tires on wheels of vehicles, the rules of the road applicable
to vehicles in general, and the disposition of receipts of the
office of said Commissioner of Motor Vehicles.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Sections 131 to 140, both inclusive, of Article 56 of
the Code of 1904 of Public General Laws of 'Maryland, title
"Licenses," subtitle "Motor Vehicles," as amended by Chapter
449 of the Acts of 1906, be and the same are hereby repealed
.and re-enacted, and that additional sections, to be known as
Sections 140a, 140b, 140c, 140d, 140e, 140f, 140g, 140h, 140i,
140k, 1401, 140m, 140n, 140o, 140p, 140q, 140r, 140s and 140t are
hereby enacted, the whole to read as follows:
131. There shall be appointed by the Governor, by and with
the consent of the Senate, one sober and discreet person who
shall have been a registered voter in the State of Maryland for
three consecutive years next preceding the date of his appoint-
ment, and who shall be known as the "Commissioner of Motor
Vehicles," and shall devote his time to the duties of such office.
Said Commissioner shall be subject to removal by the Gov-
ernor for official misconduct or incompetency, as in the case of
other civil officers. Said Commissioner shall be appointed for
two years, and the term of his office shall commence on the
first Monday of May next ensuing his appointment. He shall
hold office until his successor is appointed and qualifies. Said
Commissioner of Motor Vehicles shall receive a salary of three
thousand dollars ($3,000) per annum, payable monthly. He
shall be required to give bond in the sum of twenty thousand
dollars ($20,000), or such additional sum as the Governor may
require, for the faithful performance of his duties. The Com-
missioner shall appoint such assistants at such salaries as he
may deem necessary, subject to the approval of the Governor.
He shall maintain an office in the city of Baltimore, open daily,
excepting Sundays and holidays, during such hours as the Gov-
ernor may prescribe. He shall file with the Governor on the
last day of April in each and every year an account of the
receipts and disbursements of his office, as provided for in this
subtitle. The salaries of said Commissioner and clerk or
clerks, together with all office and other expenses, including
the cost of the Commissioner's bond, shall be paid out of the
receipts of his office. He shall transmit on the first day of
each and every month such moneys as may not be needed to
carry out the provisions of this subtitle, to the State Treasurer,