any standards of quality, purity and strength for foods or for
drugs not already standardized by the United States Pharma-
copeia or National Formulary the standards heretofore
adopted by the United States Department of Agriculture are
hereby declared to be the standards of purity, quality and
strength for such foods and drugs in the State of Maryland,
except in the case of ice-cream, in which case the standards are
declared to be as follows:
(A) Ice-cream is a frozen product made from cream and
other milk substances and sugar, with or without a natural
flavoring and containing not less than 4 per cent, of milk fat,
to which may be added fresh eggs and not exceeding 1 per cent,
of pure gelatin, gum-tragacanth or vegetable gum, without
statement of such fact, and such goods may be called ice-cream,
provided the required percentage of fat is maintained. But
such product when containing 4 per cent, and upward of milk
fat shall be labeled, showing the percentage of milk fat; if imi-
tation flavoring materials are used, the label must state the
(B) Fruit ice-cream is a frozen product made from
cream, sugar and sound, clean, mature fruits, and containing
not less than 4 per cent, of milk fat, to which may be added the
same substances as in case of ice-cream under the preceding
subsection A and subject to the same provisions for labeling.
(C) Nut ice-cream is a frozen product made from cream,
sugar and sound, non-rancid nuts and contains not less than
6 per cent, of milk fat, to which may be added the same sub-
stances as in the case of ice-cream under the preceding sub-
section A and subject to the same provisions for labeling.
SEC. 140c. That the State Board of Health of the State of
Maryland shall appoint a State Food and Drug Commissioner,
at a salary of $2,500 per annum, whose duties shall be exclu-
sively the administration of this law under the direction and
supervision of the said State Board of Health.
SEC. 140h. The said Commissioner shall have an office in
the city of Baltimore. The said State Board of Health shall
appoint such other employees as may be necessary to assist in
the enforcement of this Act; said employees shall work under
the direction of the said State Board of Health and shall per-
form such duties as the said State Board of Health shall pre-
scribe for them to perform.
SEC. 140i. That the State Board of Health shall enforce the
provisions of this Act, and shall have the power to adopt from
time to time, promulgate and publish by circular or otherwise,
such general rules and regulations for the enforcement of the
Act and for the government of the analysts, chemists, inspec-