55p. The State Board of Health shall have charge of all
details of the examination of applicants. Such applicants must
at least know how to read, write and be able to make out cor-
rectly a birth certificate as required by law.
55G. Whenever the applicant resides outside the limits of
Baltimore City and cannot come to the city to try the examina-
tion before the State Board of Health, then the examination
shall be conducted by the local Health Officer of the city, town
or county in which the applicant resides, in accordance with
the directions given by the State Board of Health, and such
Health Officer shall forward to the State Board of Health, with
his endorsement, all papers written by the applicant in the
55H. The applicant for license shall present to the State
Board of Health a certificate from a legal practictioner of med-
icine, or a mternite hospital, that he or she has attended at
least five cases of child birth, and that he or she is competent
to attend ordinary cases of labor. Such applicant shall also be
required to present certificates from three reputable citizens,
stating that the applicant is of good moral character.
55 i. Two examinations shall be held yearly—one in the
month of May, the other in the month of November, the day of
the nionth to be fixed by the State Board of Health. The ex-
aminations shall be held in the City of Baltimore, or at the
county seat of each county, and due notice shall be given in the
papers once a week for four weeks previous to the day of ex-
amination. A fee of five dollars shall be paid by the applicant
before the examination, which fee shall entitle the applicant
to one re-examination within twelve months of the date the
first examination is held.
55j. It shall be unlawful for any midwife to make a vaginal
examination, to attempt to deliver a retained placenta, to at-
tempt to use forceps, to attempt version or any forcible deliv-
ery, but such midwife shall, in all cases of labor that are not
normal, notify a licensed practitioner of medicine.
55K. If at any time within two weeks after the birth of
any infant, one or both of its eyes, or the eyelids, be reddened,
inflamed, swollen or discharging pus, the midwife, nurse or
person other than a legally qualified physician, in charge of
such infant, shall refrain from the application of any remedy
for the same, and shall immediately report such condition to
the Health Commissioner, or to some legally qualified physi-
cian in the city, town or county wherein the infant is cared for.
Any person or persons violating the provisions of this section
shall, on conviction, be punished by a fine not to exceed one
hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in jail not to exceed six
months, or by both fine and imprisonment.