55A. Any midwife residing within this State not registered
in accordance with the provision of Section 55 of Article 43 of
the Code of Public General Laws on the first day of July, 1910,
and who shall, previous to July 1st, 1910, have been practicing
as a midwife, may register his or her name and address with
the local Registrar of Vital Statistics for the city, town or
county in which he or she resides, in accordance with the pro-
visions of said Section 55 of Article 43 of the Code of Public
General Laws, and upon such registration shall be entitled to
a license without examination, as provided in Section 55E.
Any person engaging in the practice of midwifery subse-
quent to July 1st, 1910, shall register his or her name and ad-
dress as provided by said Section 55 of Article 43, but shall
not be entitled to practice as a midwife excepting upon certi-
fication and licensure as hereinafter provided.
Any midwife who shall have received a license as provided in
this bill shall present the same within thirty days to the local
Registrar of Vital Statistics for the city, town or county in
which he or she resides. Such local Registrar shall record in a
"Licensed Midwife Register," kept for that purpose, the name
and address of the midwife and the date of issue of the license,
and shall transmit a transcript of each such registration to the
State Board of Health, where it shall be kept on file for refer-
55B. A certificate of such registration shall be issued, with-
out cost, by the State Board of Health, after receipt of the
transcript of registration from the local Registrar of Vital Sta-
tistics, to each midwife, who shall keep the same plainly dis-
played in his or her place of business.
55c. Any midwife who has been duly licensed under the
provisions of this bill shall be entitled and shall be required to
display a sign outside his or her place of business, exposed to
public view, bearing his or her name, with the words "Licensed
55D. No person shall register as a licensed midwife, as pro-
vided by Section 55A, until he or she has secured a license from
the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Baltimore City or the Clerk
of the Circuit Court of the county in which he or she resides.
55E. The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Baltimore City or
the Clerk of the Circuit Court of any county shall not issue a
license to practice midwifery until he receives from the appli-
cant a certificate from the State Board of Health, setting forth
ihat he or she has successfully passed an examination, as here-
inafter provided, or has been engaged in the practice of mid-
wifery previous to July 1st, 1910. On receipt of license the
applicant shall register in accordance with Section 55A.