said company shall be and is hereby authorized and empowered
to become sole surety in all cases where by law or order two or
more sureties are required, and it shall be lawful for any court,
register, clerk or other officer or person whose duty it is to ap-
prove any bond or other obligation permitted, required or au-
thorized by law or order to be executed by two or more sure-
ties, to approve such bond or obligation when executed by said
company as sole surety. That said company shall be and is
hereby authorized and empowered to receive and hold collat-
eral and indemnity of any nature or kind whatsoever to secure
it against loss on any bond or other obligation issued by it,
and to enforce any bond, contract, obligation, pledge or other
security made or given for that purpose.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That said corporation
is also hereby authorized and empowered to insure any person
or persons from death or injury on account of any accident
or casualty whatsoever, and also to insure any person or per-
sons against sickness or disease of any sort or description or
disability arising therefrom.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That said corporation
shall also have the power to insure any person, firm or corpora-
tion against liability for negligence and torts of any nature or
description, and against any and all loss, damage or liability
arising from or occasioned by or through any negligence,
wrongful act or accident whatsoever, or by theft, larceny, rob-
bery or burglary; also against any damage to plate glass and
against any loss of or damage to any personal property what-
soever, whether the same be in possession of the person or firm
or corporation insured or elsewhere, and whether said loss or
damage be due to accident, negligence or any other cause,
except that nothing herein contained shall authorize the said
Corporation to insure against loss by fire.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the said company
shall also have power to enter into an agreement with any ad-
ministrator, guardian, receiver, trustee or other fiduciary for
whom it has become surety, for the deposit, subject to check, or
the safekeeping of any and all money, assets and other property
for which he is or may be responsible, with any bank, savings
bank, safe deposit or trust company selected by such fiduciary,
in such manner as to prevent the withdrawal or alienation of
such money, assets or other property, or any part thereof, from
such bank, savings bank, safe deposit or trust company, with-
out the countersignature or written consent of the said com-
pany or its agents, or an order of the court or a judge thereof
having jurisdiction over such fiduciary, made on such notice to
said company as the court or judge may direct.