55. To the grant and deed of Aaron L. Duyckinck to the
"West Nottingham Presbyterian Church of Cecil county, State
of Maryland," dated the 8th day of May, 1909, and recorded in
Liber M. D., No. 8, folio 521, one of the Land Record books of
said Cecil county, conveying certain real estate in the town of
Rising Sun, Cecil county aforesaid, for the use and benefit of
the said religious corporation, as well as to the deed of trust
from Dinah Gibson to Aaron L. Duyckinck, dated on the 15th
day of October, 1898, and recorded in Liber J. G. W., No. 5,
folio 108, another of said Land Record books, authorizing the
conveyance of the same to the said religious corporation by the
said trustee.
56. To the bequest of one thousand ($ 1,000) dollars, made
and contained in the last will and testament of M. Fannie
Thomas, late of Dorchester county, deceased, to the trustees of
Wilmington Annual Conference, in trust for the benefit of
Beckwith Methodist Episcopal Church of Cornersville, Dor-
chester county.
57. To the bequest of three hundred ($300) dollars con-
tained in the late will and testament of Daniel H. Gaither, late
of Montgomery county, Maryland, deceased, duly recorded in
Liber G. C. D., No. 12, folio 147, one of the will books of said
Montgomery county, to the Vestry of Mount Calvary Church, in
Howard county, Maryland.
58. To a gift, grant, deed and conveyance of a certain lot of
land situate in or near the town of Sudlersville, Queen Anne's
county, State of Maryland, made by Martha Virginia Sudler,
Carroll H. Sudler and Susan Sudler, his wife; Charles E. H.
Sudler, Arthur E. Sudler and Anna M. Sudler, his wife;
Sturgis S. Goodhand and Eugenia Goodhand, his wife; Pamelia
Sudler, Mary M. Beatty, Arthur E. Sudler, Jr., and Louise G.
Sudler, his wife; Morling B. Sudler, Lewis M. Sudler, Homer
Sudler, Elizabeth Sudler, Eugenia Sudler and Caroline Sudler
to the trustees of the Sudlersville Methodist Episcopal Church,
of Sudlersville, a corporation, said deed being dated the 7th
day of July, A. D. 1909, and recorded in Liber S. S., No. 7, folio
398, a land record book of Queen Anne's county.
59. To the following bequests and devises contained in the
last will and testament of Margaret Erhard, late of Carroll
county, in the State of Maryland, deceased, of record among
the will records in the office of the Register of Wills for Carroll
county in Liber J. J. S., No. 10, folio 266, etc., that is to say:
(a) A devise to the New Windsor Presbyterian Church of Car-
roll county, Maryland, a body corporate of the State of Mary-
land, located at New Windsor, Carroll county, Maryland, of
all those several lots of land, with improvements thereon, situ-
ated in Baltimore City and known as Nos. 1845 and 1519 Mul-