secretary and treasurer thereof; and the said treasurer shall
keep in a book to be provided for this purpose a full registry of
the bonds sold, the serial numbers of the bonds, the names of
the purchasers, the amounts realized on sale, and the transfers
or assignments thereof, and no moneys realized from the sale
of said bonds shall be paid for any other purpose than the per-
manent improvement of the streets herein provided for.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the funds realized from the
sale of said bonds shall be deposited by the Mayor and Council
of Easton in the name and to the credit of the Easton Street
Improvement Fund in some bank, and shall be paid out and
applied by orders drawn upon the said fund, signed by the
President of the Street Commission, and no money shall be
withdrawn from the deposit of the funds herein provided for,
except on checks signed by the President of the Street Commis-
sion and countersigned by the secretary and treasurer thereof,
and no funds shall be withdrawn therefrom for any purpose
whatever, except the bill for same be previously approved by at
least two members of the Commission, exclusive of the Presi-
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the bonds so to be issued
shall be designated as "Easton Street Improvement Bonds."
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That a commission of four of the
legal voters and freeholders of the town, composed of William
E. Shannahan, Ulysses C. Ross, Robert L. Kemp and Harry
Roberts, who, together with the Mayor of Easton, shall consti-
tute "The Easton Street Improvement Commission," to serve
without pay, which Commission shall have full charge of the
building and construction of the said streets and of all work
done under authority of the provisions of this Act, with power
and authority to advertise for bids, purchase materials, let con-
tracts and appoint such other assistants as may be required
and to do all other things which may be deemed necessary to
properly perform the duties for which they are hereby ap-
pointed ; provided, that no materials shall be furnished directly
or indirectly, or any profit or commission be received by any
member of said Commission, or by any firm or corporation with
which any member of the Commission is connected. Each mem-
ber of the Commission shall give bond, with approved corporate
security, in the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000) for the
faithful compliance with the provisions of this Act, the cost of
which shall be paid out of the Easton Street Improvement
Funds. Each Commissioner shall take the oath of office pre-
scribed in the Charter of Easton for all other officials of the
town of Easton.