other expenses that may be necessary for the maintenance of
this Bureau, not to exceed Thirty Dollars a month, and shall
levy for the same as expenses of the State's Attorney's Office.
These bills must be presented direct to the County Commission-
ers made out and sworn to on the regular forms now in use by
the County Commissioners, and must be certified to by the
State's Attorney, and all false swearing in such reports and af-
fidavits shall be deemed Perjury, and be punished as such.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act is one for
the immediate preservation of the public safety, and that there-
fore shall take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 18th, 1918.
AN ACT to provide for the continuance under the supervision
and control of the State of Maryland of the Maryland School
for Boys, hereafter to be known as the Maryland Training
School for Boys as a reformatory institution of the State of
Maryland for the care and training of white male minors
committed thereto, and to provide for the management
thereof, and for the maintenance thereof, and for the levying
of a per capita charge upon the respective counties and the
City of Baltimore for boys committed to its care.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That from and after the acquisition by the State of Mary-
land from the Maryland School for Boys, a corporation of this
State, of the property heretofore held, conducted and managed
by said corporation as a reformatory institution for the care
and training of white male minors committed thereto under the
provisions- of the Laws of this State, the same shall continue
under the name of the Maryland Training School for Boys to
be conducted as a public agency of this State for the care and
reformation of white male minors now committed thereto, and
who may hereafter be committed thereto under the Laws of this
State, under the supervision, control and management of a
Board of Managers hereby named the Board of Managers of
the Maryland Training School for Boys, said Board of Man-
agers to be appointed as hereinafter provided.
SEC. 2. That the Board of Managers of the Maryland
Training School for Boys shall consist of the Governor, ex offi-